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149 Search Results

  • Research

    Understanding stakeholder visions for woodland expansion in Scotland

    The development of stakeholder visions for woodland expansion in Scotland from analysing organisational documents, workshops and interviews.
  • Research

    Exploring changes in ecosystem services under varying scenarios

    Exploration of the resilience of woodlands to future change by assessing how ecosystem service values and natural capital stocks of woodlands may be affected by change through the application of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA) scenarios and different management approaches, e.g. forest diversification through the application of forest management alternatives
  • Research

    Assessing the resilience of UK forests to extreme climatic events

    This project aims to quantify the historic impact and legacy of extreme climatic events on UK forests using tree-ring chronologies, climate and soil data. It focuses on species of major importance to UK forestry in order to provide the information basis for building adaptive capacity into future forest planning and decision-making.
  • Research

    Delivering Resilient Forests

    Resilient forests are important if our trees are to cope better with changing environmental conditions and threats from pests and diseases. This page provides information on the publications produced as part of Forest Research's 'Delivering Resilient Forests' programme of research.
  • Research


    A project within the EFI Network Fund, developing a FOSS GIS modelling platform for stand growth and risk of wind damage.
  • Research

    B4EST – adaptive breeding for productive, sustainable and resilient forests under climate change

    B4EST will offer new understanding about how adaptive forest breeding can be used to increase forest survival, health, resilience and productivity under climate change and natural disturbances, while maintaining genetic diversity and key ecological functions.
  • Research

    Forestry and climate change mitigation

    Research to improve our understanding of how forests and woodlands can contribute to the carbon balance at both local and global scales
  • Research

    The origins of shake and drought crack in trees

    The soil conditions experienced by a growing tree are reproduced under controlled conditions. Fluid distributions with the tree are visualised using magnetic resonance imaging in order to identify stresses and determine if these are linked to drought cracking and shake.
  • Research

    Harvested Wood Products and Carbon Substitution

    This study reviews approaches to accounting for carbon storage and carbon substitution benefits of harvested wood products under existing carbon market standards, and considers how the UK Woodland Carbon Code - which at present covers climate change mitigation benefits of afforestation in terms of carbon sequestration, might be extended.
  • Research

    Climate Change Adaptation Demonstration

    Establishment of climate change adaptation demonstration areas in Alice Holt Forest.
  • Research

    SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

    We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.
  • Research

    Putting UK woodland bats on the map

    We are working with Bat Conservation Trust to develop and trial a national citizen science field survey scheme and species distribution modelling framework for UK woodland bats.