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285 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests and wind: management to minimise damage

    Lead Author: Chris Quine
    Wind damage is a serious threat to managed forests because it results in loss of timber yield, landscape quality and wildlife habitat. The most common form of wind damage in Britain is windthrow in which both stem and roots overturn. Prediction and prevention of wind damage have been important elements of forest management, and the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Reclaiming disturbed land for forestry

    Lead Author: Andy Moffat
    This Bulletin has been written to give up-to-date practical advice to people involved in the reclamation of disturbed land who wish to plant trees on the restored site. The Bulletin provides a comprehensive guide both to mineral companies, in preparing planning applications which involve proposals for forestry, and to mineral planning authorities, in considering such […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The carbon content of trees

    Lead Author: George Matthews
    Calculations of the quantities of carbon stored by trees requires a knowledge, not only of their growth rates, but also of the proportions of carbon contributing to their chemical make-up. This Technical Paper presents the results of a search of the literature for reported values for carbon contents and results of estimations of carbon contents […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A new series of windthrow monitoring areas in upland Britain

    Lead Author: C.P. Quine
    This Paper discusses a network of eight windthrow monitoring areas together with reference anemometers and wind vanes which have been established in forests in remote upland areas of Britain. The sites chosen will allow study of the onset and progression of windthrow in productive plantations. Details of the associated wind climate will also be obtained. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The 1987 storm: impacts and responses

    Lead Author: A.J. Grayson (Ed)
    The storm which struck south-east England on the night of 15/16 October 1987 was the worst in the region since 1703: it caused more damage to woodlands and trees than any other recorded gale in Britain. Some 4 million cubic metres of timber were blown, equivalent to about 5 years’ cut in the seven worst […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Air pollution and forestry

    Lead Author: J.L. Innes
    The aim of this Bulletin is to summarise the current information available on the interactions between air pollution and forests. While it is primarily concerned with Great Britain, air pollution is an international problem, so information from other countries has been included. Pollution from point sources, such as aluminium smelters and brickworks, has not been […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Windblow of Scottish forests in January 1968

    Lead Author: B.W. Holtham (Ed)
    A very severe westerly gale blew across central Scotland in the early hours of 15 January 1968. This report describes damage it did to forests and tells how representatives of the private woodland owners, the home timber trade and the Forestry Commission, appointed to an advisory committee called the Windblow Action Group, appraised and advised […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thinning control in British woodlands

    Lead Author: R.T. Bradley
    Thinning control in British woodlands
  • Publications

    [Archive] Shelterbelts and microclimate

    Lead Author: J.M. Caborn
    This bulletin discusses the effects which shelterbelts of trees exert on the microclimates of their adjacent regions. Part one consists of a review of available scientific evidence concerning such effects and their influence on agricultural yields and forestry practice. Part two deals with a critical survey of research procedure in connexion with microclimatological investigations of […]