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126 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Applying the Ecological Site Classification in the lowlands: a case study of the New Forest inclosures

    Lead Author: Graham D Pyatt
    Applying the Ecological Site Classification in the lowlands’ is an illustrated case study of the New Forest Inclosures, which cover an area of 8500 hectares in southern Britain. The Ecological Site Classification (ESC) model is a PC-based decision support system for forest managers. It is designed to match key site factors with the ecological requirements […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests, carbon and climate change: the UK contribution

    This Information Note outlines how forests in the UK contribute to the carbon cycle on both a local and a global scale. It explains the key terms that are used in discussions of the part played by forests and carbon in global warming and presents some of the facts and figures behind the many complex […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Climate change: impacts on UK forests

    Lead Author: Mark Broadmeadow (Ed.)
    It is now widely accepted that mankind’s activities are having a discernible effect on the global climate, and these changes will impact upon the functioning of many of the planet’s natural systems. Climate change will have a variety of direct and indirect effects on forests and, thus, will have implications for forest management. This Bulletin […]
  • Publications

    Sustainable forest management: the international framework

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    2002 report. Outlines, from a domestic perspective, some of the key international commitments on forests and identifies the actions associated with them.
  • Publications

    [Archive] An ecological site classification for forestry in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Graham Pyatt
    Ecological Site Classification (ESC) will help forest managers to select tree species, and to make related decisions based on an appreciation of the ecological potential of sites. The classification focuses on the key factors of site that influence tree growth, and that are important to the rest of the ecosystem. This site-orientated approach to tree […]
  • Publications
  • Publications

    [Archive] An Ecological Site Classification for forestry in Great Britain with special reference to Grampian, Scotland

    Lead Author: Graham D Pyatt
    Describes a site classification that provides a sound ecological basis for the sustainable management of forests and resulting timber production, wildlife conservation and other benefits. Applicable to all kinds of woodlands, it incorporates the existing classification of soil types used for many years when selecting silvicultural options. Much of this publication is specific to Grampian […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Designing forest edges to improve wind stability

    Lead Author: Barry Gardiner
    Forest edges are important for the stability, visual impact and biodiversity of forests. Improved design of edge plantings will enhance the benefits they provide. Wind tunnel experiments are described and results indicate the effect of different edge treatments on stability. Practical methods for creating edges that can improve forest stability and visual appeal are discussed. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Analysis of the changes in forest condition in Britain 1989 to 1992

    Lead Author: Richard A. Mather
    A computer system was developed for mapping the Forestry Commission’s records of forest condition in Great Britain. This facility also conveniently allows forest condition records to be combined with meteorological and pollution data. The present Forestry Commission survey was evaluated to determine how well the design represented certain regional and local variations in environmental (including […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests and wind: management to minimise damage

    Lead Author: Chris Quine
    Wind damage is a serious threat to managed forests because it results in loss of timber yield, landscape quality and wildlife habitat. The most common form of wind damage in Britain is windthrow in which both stem and roots overturn. Prediction and prevention of wind damage have been important elements of forest management, and the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Reclaiming disturbed land for forestry

    Lead Author: Andy Moffat
    This Bulletin has been written to give up-to-date practical advice to people involved in the reclamation of disturbed land who wish to plant trees on the restored site. The Bulletin provides a comprehensive guide both to mineral companies, in preparing planning applications which involve proposals for forestry, and to mineral planning authorities, in considering such […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The carbon content of trees

    Lead Author: George Matthews
    Calculations of the quantities of carbon stored by trees requires a knowledge, not only of their growth rates, but also of the proportions of carbon contributing to their chemical make-up. This Technical Paper presents the results of a search of the literature for reported values for carbon contents and results of estimations of carbon contents […]