Short rotation coppice in the landscape
Lead Author: S Bell
Lead Author: S Bell
Short rotation coppice (SRC) for use as a source of renewable energy has potential for expansion. It can offer benefits for growers, developers, consumers, local communities and the environment. However, as it is a new element within the landscape, its introduction and management requires care. The British landscape has evolved over many centuries and is highly valued for its variety and local distinctiveness; it is therefore important to assess the potential impact of proposed changes.
This Note outlines the main landscape considerations that need to be taken into account when planning the establishment of SRC, and provides advice to growers on the ways in which an area of coppice can be designed to blend in with the rest of the landscape. The Note has been prepared following a review of practice on the ground, and it expands on the guidance given in the Lowland Landscape Design Guidelines. This publication should also be consulted as it provides advice covering the wider aspects of forest and woodland design.