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63 Search Results

  • Research

    Analysis and development of local authority tree strategies

    A series of nine local authority case studies in England to understand the processes, drivers and barriers behind tree strategy development and implementation.
  • Research

    Valuing tree and forest ecosystem services

    Our research explores the value of different tree and forest ecosystem services and uses innovative methods to identify and capture those values
  • Research

    Valuing and governing tree and forest ecosystem services

    This research provides new insights into how to recognise and understand the value of ecosystem services provided by trees and forests.
  • Research

    COMMUNITREE: Connecting tree databases to the public, improving urban tree data for business, government and research

    Trees are fundamental components of our urban environment: they make cities more pleasant to live in, keep them cool in summer, reduce flooding, clean the air, provide homes for wildlife, and are a living connection to the past. Trees can also be a source of conflict between local authorities and...
  • Research

    Delivering Resilient Forests

    Resilient forests are important if our trees are to cope better with changing environmental conditions and threats from pests and diseases. This page provides information on the publications produced as part of Forest Research's 'Delivering Resilient Forests' programme of research.
  • Research

    UK Urban Canopy Cover

    Urban Canopy Cover
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Evaluation

    Forest Research has produced a study which evaluates the impacts delivered by UK i-Tree Eco projects on the awareness, management and policy of urban forests. The study found some projects achieved significant impacts including informing tree and woodland policies and justifying greater investment in tree management. However the study also identified challenges which limited impacts of some projects, including difficulty in communicating results and the low priority of urban forests for local governments. The study provides recommendations to overcome these challenges to help guide the design and delivery of future i-Tree Eco projects.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Petersfield

    About the Petersfield Town i-Tree Eco Study. i-Tree Eco provides a means to more fully understand a city's urban forest with respect to its species composition, structure and condition, and to calculate and value many of the ecological benefits that that urban forest provides to those and live and work in the city.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Projects

    Completed UK i-Tree Eco studies undertaken or supported by Forest Research.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Southampton

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Southampton city's urban trees
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Cardiff

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Cardiff city's urban trees
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Edinburgh

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Edinburgh city's urban trees. Keywords: i-Tree Eco, Ecosystem Services, Urban, Trees, Greenspace, Valuation, Edinburgh, CSGN