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170 Search Results

  • Staff

    Bianca Ambrose-Oji

    Science group leader
    Society and environment research group (SERG)
  • Staff

    Clare Hall

    Behavioural Scientist
    Society and environment research group (SERG)
  • Staff

    Liz O’Brien

    Principal Social Scientist
    Society and environment research group (SERG)
  • Research
  • Research

    Valuing the Mental Health Benefits of Forestry – Phase 2

    This research presents an estimate of the mental health benefits associated with the UK’s woodlands, using an approach valuing woodland through reduced prevalence of mental illnesses. Indicative estimates are derived for potential inclusion of mental health benefits in UK natural capital accounts and for use in project and policy appraisal.
  • Research

    Developing an Approach to Monitoring the Health and Well-Being Benefits of Visits to Scotland’s Forests

    This project reviewed evidence on the health and well-being benefits, and social and cultural benefits, of visits to forests, as well as the methods to measure and monitor them. It also provides recommendations for monitoring these benefits to support the implementation of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.
  • Research

    A National Conversation: Towards a Resilience Culture

    A societal-scale foundation assessment of the public's views of biosecurity and plant / tree health issues, followed by targeted research into how biosecure behaviour can be encouraged
  • Research

    Why society needs nature – Lessons from research during Covid-19

    The Covid-19 Pandemic and associated ‘lockdown’ restrictions in 2020 impacted people’s lives in many ways, including how often people visited nature and their experiences of it. This report concerns how people visited green and blue natural spaces and their experiences of this during 2020.
  • Research


    Mariella Marzano
  • Research

    Public Perceptions of Urban Trees

    How do contemporary Great British attitudes to urban trees vary between locality, individuals and communities with different socio-demographic backgrounds? Forest Research aims to investigate this through a rapid evidence review, a national questionnaire and a series of focus groups.
  • Research

    Engagement with nature before and during the Covid-19 restrictions

    This research aimed to explore people’s engagement with trees and woodlands, as well as wider nature, before and during the Covid-19 restrictions of spring to autumn 2020. There was an increase in social media traffic outlining the benefits of engaging with local nature spaces and a greater awareness of how much people can value and rely on nature to support their wellbeing.
  • Research

    Identifying Opportunities for Woodland Creation in Central Scotland

    This research aims to assist those responsible for woodland creation in the Central Scotland Green Network area in identifying landowners and locations which offer the ‘best bets’ for new tree planting. In addition, the research seeks to inform on how communication and outreach can be tailored to be more effective.