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72 Search Results

  • Research

    Strathard: a landscape to live, work and play

    This project aims to develop more sustainable and resilient land and water management plans in Strathard by taking an ecosystems approach which considers the wider impacts and benefits of a range of management plans on ecosystem services, the landscape and communities living there.
  • Research

    Green Surge

    GREEN SURGE is an EU funded collaborative project between 24 partners in 11 European countries, targeted at meeting the demand by green space practitioners for knowledge and practical tools to improve the planning and governance of urban green spaces.
  • Research

    Edinburgh Panda Consortium

    The Edinburgh Consortium for Giant Panda Conservation and Forest Landscape Restoration aims to deliver a 10-year Research Programme in partnership with Wolong and Sichuan colleagues.
  • Research

    Future Proofing Plant Health

    The Future Proofing Plant Health project aims to provide evidence for the implementation of the GB Plant Biosecurity Strategy. It will focus on strategic areas related to new and emerging pests and diseases (prevention, detection, control, resilience), as well as identifying priority pests, diseases and pathways.
  • Research

    A Strategic Assessment of the Afforested Peat Resource in Wales

    This report assesses the distribution of Welsh peatlands and gives an overview of the likely impacts of peat forming factors and afforested peatland restoration. National and field based assessment schemes are developed for the assessment of afforested peatland in Wales viable for restoration, as well as a national GIS assessment identifying potential restoration areas in Wales. Field-based assessment are testing by ground truthing a number of sites in Wales and relative costs of afforested peat restoration are provided.
  • Research

    Green networks and people

    This page is about Forest Research’s work to help town planners join up open space into urban green networks.
  • Research

    Payments for ecosystem services

    Investigating a framework of incentives covering financing and paying for the benefits provided by ecosystems to households, communities and economies
  • Research

    Models for adaptive forest management (MOTIVE)

    This page summarises the work of the ‘Models for Adaptive Forest Management’ (MOTIVE) project, funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
  • Research

    Transnational forestry management (ForeStClim)

    This page summarises the main findings and recommendations of the ‘Transnational Forestry Management Strategies in Response to Regional Climate Change Impacts’ (ForeStClim) project, funded by the EU Interreg IVB North West Europe (NEW) programme.
  • Research

    Ecology of upland native woodlands

    Investigating the influence of different management options and ecological processes on the condition of upland native woodland habitats
  • Research

    Habitat networks

    Principles and techniques for developing FHNs, includes models to assess and measure the ecological function FHNs as an aid to woodland planning and woodland management for biodiversity benefits
  • Research

    Landscape ecology

    Landscape Ecology at Forest Research, including principles and applications