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47 Search Results

  • Research


    Forest Research is collaborating with several organisations in order to harness this novel DNA approach for a range of applications in which monitoring of forest biodiversity is required.
  • Research


    Forest Research involvement with European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
  • Research

    Genetic conservation – molecular approaches

    Forest research is currently exploring the feasibility of establishing meta barcoding in our laboratory to confirm the presence of clones, species and species assemblages.
  • Research

    Genetics of woodland dwelling species

    In this project we have utilised existing and developed new microsatellite markers in model species such as wood ants, wood crickets and twinflower to gain insight into the effect of landscape features.
  • Research

    Provenance trials of native tree species

    Project page about Genetic conservation in forestry. This project also considers various aspects of the genetic diversity of forest dwelling species.
  • Research

    Forest Management Adaptation (AdaFor) 2013 -2015

    Details of the Forest Management Adaption project working to ensure forests are sustainable in the future
  • Research

    Woodland structure and birds – effects of woodland management and deer browsing

    This project aims to investigate how habitat quality for woodland birds is affected by woodland management and deer browsing by undertaking a large-scale survey of lowland broadleaved woodland in the UK. This will be complemented by a reference survey of upland conifer woodlands where populations of the target bird species have remained more stable.
  • Research

    Management of multifunctional forests (MULTIFOR)

    This four-year project involved a partnership of research organisations and local authorities from northern France and southern England, two regions with similar production and semi-natural forest ecosystems. Forest Research helped to develop common management strategies to maximise the economic, environmental and social benefits from forests in the two regions and to improve their resilience to climate change.
  • Research

    Argyll and Perth Conservancy and Fife forest habitat network

    Information about study to identify the key woodland and heathland habitats and provide recommendations for estimating where opportunities exist for protecting, improving, and expanding specialist networks within the larger woodland generalist network
  • Research

    Management of roe deer in the peri-urban environment

    The page summarises a project funded by Deer Commission Scotland to document interactions between people and roe deer in and around towns, and discover their attitudes to urban deer management.
  • Research

    Urban networks for people and biodiversity

    Habitat networks are a key mechanism for reversing the effects of fragmentation on biodiversity while delivering other social and environmental benefits. This research aims to clarify and propose a direction for the implementation of networks in urban environments
  • Research

    Habitats and Rare Priority Protected Species (HaRPPS)

    Decision support tool and Information system for managing Habitats and Rare Priority and Protected Species in British forests