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Report on Forest Research for the year ended 31 March 1970, which includes:

Work carried out by Forestry Commission research and development staff
Forest tree seed; production of planting stock; planting; choice of species; minor species survey; provenance; arboriculture; nutrition of forest crops; forest weed control; soil studies; drainage; cultivation; crop stability; regeneration; ecology; forest genetics; forest pathology; forest entomology; mammals and birds; statistics and computing; research workshop; photography; publications; research information; planning and economics; work study; timber utilisation.

Research undertaken for the Forestry Commission at universities and other institutions
– Nursery and forest extension experiments in tree nutrition
– Research on forest soils and tree nutrition
– Conifer seedling pathology
– Role of Lophodermella species in premature death of pine needles in Scotland
– Virus diseases of forest trees
– Studies on insect viruses
– Research on the green spruce aphid, Elatobium abietinum
– Studies on tit and pine looper moth populations at Culbin Forest
– Fish populations in forest streams
– Hydrological relations of forest and moorland vegetation
– The rate of spread of head fires in the New Forest, Hampshire

Publication owner
Forestry Commission