Publications about improving silvicultural and operational solutions for achieving sustainable management
- Silvicultural and woodland management practices
- Timber quality
- Vegetation management
- Woodfuel
- Woodland establishment and regeneration
Research Information Notes (RINs)
Out of print publications from the 1990s covering various topics.
Please note that since their publication any products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
- The nutrition of Sitka spruce on upland restock sites (PDF-900K)
RIN 164 (1990) - The establishment of trees in hedgerows (PDF-1042K)
RIN 195 (1990) - Vegetative propagation of aspen (PDF-845K)
RIN 200 (1991) - Farm forestry research: A summary of research projects sponsored by the FRCC as a NERC Special Topic Programme (PDF-1845K)
RIN 225 (1992) - A long-term carbon dioxide enrichment experiment examining the interaction with nutrition in Sitka spruce (PDF-943K)
RIN 238 (1993) - Black poplar: The most endangered native timber tree in Britain (PDF-1144K)
RIN 239 (1993) - The quality of Sitka spruce at the time of planting (PDF-897K)
RIN 243 (1994) - Lifting times for larch establishment (PDF-1120K)
RIN 244 (1994) - Fertilization regime to produce different size classes of cell-grown birch (PDF-727K)
RIN 247 (1994) - Using waste material in the forest – Implications of recent legislation (PDF-958K)
RIN 256 (1994) - Management of coppice stools (PDF-881K)
RIN 259 (1995) - The effect of whole-tree harvesting on early growth of Sitka spruce on an upland restocking site (PDF-832K)
RIN 261 (1995) - Noxious weeds (PDF-2660K)
RIN 274 (1996) - Natural regeneration of broadleaved trees (PDF-394K)
RIN 275 (1995) - Herbicide update (spring 1996) (PDF-1864K)
RIN 279 (1996) - Recommended lifting dates for direct planting and cold storage of Sitka spruce in Britain (PDF-1022K)
RIN 281 (1996) - Recommended plant type and lifting dates for direct planting and cold storage of bare-root Douglas fir in Britain (PDF-1122K)
RIN 284 - Establishing new woodlands by direct sowing (PDF-1424K)
RIN 285 (1996) - Weed control when establishing new farm woodlands by direct seeding (PDF-1138K)
RIN 286 (1996) - Fomes stump treatment – An update (PDF-648K)
RIN 287 (1996) - Cultivation of lowland sites for new woodland establishment (PDF-2346K)
RIN 288 (1996)