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Publications on climate change mitigation


1st July 2004

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from forest civil engineering (PDF-2000K)
Technical Note (December 2013)
Alan Dickerson, Bruce Nicoll, Mike Perks
This Technical Note describes how the greenhouse gas release from forest civil engineering operations can be controlled and reduced, while still ensuring the development and maintenance of a robust forest road network. It is aimed at forest civil engineers, planners, managers and owners.

Morison, J.I.L., Matthews, R., Miller, G., Perks, M., Randle, T., Vanguelova, E., White, M., & Yamulki, S. (2012). Understanding the carbon and greenhouse gas balance of forests in Britain (PDF-7422K). Research Report 18, May 2012, 149 pp.

Leslie, A.D., Mencuccini, M. & Perks, M.P. (2011). The potential for Eucalyptus as a wood fuel in the UK. Applied Energy, 89, 176-182.

Mason, W.L. & Perks, M. (2011). Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests in Atlantic Europe: forest management approach and projected climate change. Scandinavian J. Forest Research. 26, 72-81.

Aylott M.J., Casella E., Farrall K. & Taylor G. (2010). Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability. Biofuels 1, 719-727.

Bauen A.W., Dunnett, A.J., Richter, G.M., Dailey, A.G., Aylott, M., Casella, E. & Taylor, G. (2010). Modelling supply and demand of bioenergy from short rotation coppice and miscanthus in the UK. Bioresource Technology 101, 8132-8143.

Minunno, F., Xenakis, G., Perks, M.P. & Mencuccini, M. (2010). Calibration and validation of a simplified process-based model for the prediction of the carbon balance of Scottish Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations. Canadian Journal Forest Research, 40, 2411-2426.

Morison, J.I.L., Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S., Perks, M., Yamulki, S. & Randle, T. (2010). Understanding the GHG implications of forestry on peat soils in Scotland (PDF-2140K). Report for Forestry Commission Scotland, October 2010, Forest Research, 56pp.

Hillier, J., Whittaker, C., Dailey, G., Aylott, M., Casella, E., Richter, G.M., Riche, A., Murphy, R., Taylor, G. & Smith, P. (2009). Greenhouse gas emissions from four bioenergy crops in England and Wales: Integrating spatial estimates of yield and soil carbon balance in life cycle analyses. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 1, 267-281.

Mason, W.L., Nicoll, B.C., & Perks, M.P. (2009). Mitigation potential of sustainably managed forests. In: Read, D.J., Freer-Smith, P.H., Morison, J.I.L, Hanley, N., West, C.C., and Snowdon, P. (eds.). Combating Climate Change – a role for UK forests: main report. The Stationery Office, London. Pages 100-118.

Read, D.J., Freer-Smith, P.H., Morison, J.I.L., Hanley, N., West, C.C. and Snowdon. P. (2009). (eds.) Combating climate change – a role for UK forests. An assessment of the potential of the UK’s trees and woodlands to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 222p. TSO, Edinburgh.

Matthews R.W. and Broadmeadow M.S.J. (2009). The potential of UK forestry to contribute to Government’s emissions reduction commitments. Chapter 8 in Read, D.J., et al. eds. Combating climate change – a role for UK forests. 222p. TSO, Edinburgh.

Aylott, M., Casella, E., Tubby, I., Street, N.R., Smith, P. & Taylor, G. (2008). Yield and spatial supply of bioenergy poplar and willow short rotation coppice in the UK. New Phytologist 178, 358-370. Corrigendum: 178, 897-897.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Matthews, R.W. (2004). Survey Methods for Kyoto Protocol Monitoring and Verification of UK Forest Carbon Stocks (PDF-1183K). In: UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Activities, Report, June 2004. CEH, Edinburgh.

Matthews, R.W., Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2003). Survey Methods for Kyoto Protocol Monitoring and Verification of UK Forest Carbon Stocks (PDF-1343K). In: UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Activities, Report, April 2003. DEFRA, London.

Matthews, R.W., Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2003). Evaluation of the C-FLOW and CARBINE carbon accounting models (PDF-912K). In: UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Activities, Report, April 2003. DEFRA, London.

Broadmeadow, M., Matthews, R. (2003). Forests, carbon and climate change: the UK contribution (PDF-1559K). Information Note 48. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

IEA (2002). Greenhouse gas balances of biomass and bioenergy systems. IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Factsheet. Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria.

Matthews R., Robertson K. (2005). Answers to ten frequently asked questions about bioenergy, carbon sinks and their role in global climate change. IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Factsheet. Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria.