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12 Search Results

  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and urban forests

    Lead Author: Kieron Doick
    Urban forests can both help reduce climate change and help urban society cope with its impacts.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change adaptation

    The changing climate is affecting our trees, forests and woodlands, how they grow and survive and the important ecosystem services they provide. For our forests and woodlands to thrive, adaptation measures must be considered carefully, and action taken. Ten measures to reduce climate risks and improve resilience are presented.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and tree diseases (canker)

    Lead Author: Carolyn Riddell
    Canker-inducing pathogens kill the inner, living bark of trees resulting in poorer growth or mortality of affected individuals which limits their contribution to climate change mitigation.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and tree diseases (Phytophthora)

    Lead Author: Debra Fredrickson Matika
    Milder and wetter winters, followed by increased spring rainfall, are likely to enhance the survival and infection potential of many tree pathogens. Hotter, drier summers leading to drought stress in trees will also increase their susceptibility to disease and expand the distribution range of some pathogens. The increased incidence and severity of diseases caused by Phytophthora species reduces the benefits that trees provide, including climate change mitigation.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and tree diseases

    The three main fungal root pathogens already present in the UK, causing significant damage in forestry, are described along with the likely impact of climate change on their spread and severity.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and diseases of tree foliage

    The six main foliar pathogens already causing significant damage to conifers and broadleaved tree species in the UK are described along with the likely impact of climate change on their spread and severity.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and ecosystem services

    Climate change will have wide-ranging effects on ecosystem services
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and human behaviours

    Lead Author: Liz O'Brien
    There is increasing interest in designing policy interventions to sustain positive individual or societal behaviours and to encourage behaviour change which tackles environmental issues including climate change.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and biodiversity

    More biodiverse woodlands are better able to resist or adapt to threats, such as climate change. This enhanced resilience supports the continuity of woodlands and the ecosystem services they provide. Biodiversity is the variation at different levels of biological organisation - the genes within a species; the species within a community; and the diversity between communities and ecosystems.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Peatlands, forestry and climate change

    Lead Author: Russell Anderson
    This factsheet explains how forestry affects the carbon stored in peat and the role forest-to-bog restoration can play in reducing carbon emissions.
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and forests

    Lead Author: James Morison
    How do woodlands and forests affect the climate?
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change, flooding and forests

    Lead Author: Tom Nisbet
    Many parts of the UK are periodically affected by flooding and the frequency of floods is expected to increase due to climate change. Tree planting and forest management can alter flood flows, although the extent of this depends on many factors. Here we describe the latest understanding of how forestry can help.