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941 Search Results

  • Publications

    Benefits of improved Sitka spruce: volume and quality of timber

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The increase in timber volume gained from planting improved Sitka spruce stock has been estimated to be between 21% and 29% at the end of a rotation. This Research Note presents the results of new research designed to investigate the impact of improved Sitka spruce stock on quality characteristics which determine the quantity of green […]
  • Publications

    Impacts of climate change on forestry in Wales

    Lead Author: Duncan Ray
    Climate change is now one of the greatest global challenges, and research is under way to establish the likely impacts on many aspects of the environment. Forestry Commission Wales has commissioned Forest Research to determine how forests and forestry in Wales will be affected by climate change. This Research Note provides an initial synopsis of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Commission Annual Report and Accounts: GB and England 2007 – 2008

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This report is available to download here or to buy in hardcopy from The Stationery Office (TSO) (Phone: 0870 600 5522;
  • Publications

    The Environmental Change Network at Alice Holt Research Forest

    Lead Author: Suzanne Benham
    The Environmental Change Network (ECN) was established in 1992 to provide a framework for monitoring the effects of a range of environmental drivers on freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The Alice Holt ECN site represents the Forestry Commission’s commitment to this long-term collaborative programme. This Research Note reviews data collected at the Alice Holt site over […]
  • Publications

    Red band needle blight of conifers in Britain

    Lead Author: Anna Brown
    Red band needle blight is an economically important disease affecting a number of coniferous trees, in particular pines. The disease has a world-wide distribution but until recently it was mainly of concern in the Southern Hemisphere. In much of the world, including Britain, it is caused by the fungus Dothistroma septosporum. Red band needle blight […]
  • Publications

    Field portable X-ray fluorescence (FPXRF): A rapid and low-cost alternative for measuring metals and metalloids in soils

    Lead Author: Caroline Kilbride
    By Caroline Kilbride, Jane Poole, Tony Hutchings, Olga Rodriguez-Walters, Danielle Sinnett, Andy Brunt and Andy Moffat. CL:AIRE Research Bulletin 7. What’s of interest If your organisation has an interest in working with us on collaborative research related to greening brownfield or contaminated sites then please email: Related pages Brownfield regeneration Urban Greening
  • Publications

    [Archive] Estimating deer abundance in woodlands: the combination plot technique

    Lead Author: Graeme Swanson
    This Bulletin describes a technique for measuring deer abundance in woodlands. The technique is a variation of the faecal accumulation rate method and was developed and refined using data from more than ten years of monitoring and research by Strath Caulaidh Ltd. In justifying their choice of each element of the technique, the authors also […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Corporate Plan 2008-11: Forestry Commission Great Britain

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Corporate Plan sets out the programme agreed with the Forestry Commission for those activities it carries out across Great Britain. It also describes the strategic direction that the Forestry Commission will take up to 2011, and how their activities contribute to a number of Government agendas.
  • Publications

    Timber Measurement

    Lead Author: Ewan D Mackie
    Timber measurement was first published in 1983 as Booklet 49. Its punchy, practical style proved popular with practitioners trying to work out how to take basic measurements on trees and timber and apply standard forest mensuration procedures in the field. This revised edition has been produced primarily to achieve consistency with the second edition of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest habitat networks Scotland

    Lead Author: Darren Moseley
    By Darren Moseley, Duncan Ray, Kevin Watts & Jonathan Humphrey. Contract report to Forestry Commission Scotland, Forestry Commission GB and Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Publications

    Problems on plane trees

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Pathology Advisory Note 7 Pathogens that could potentially be very damaging to Planes (Platanus spp.) in the UK. This document details signs and symptoms of the named tree pest(s) or disease(s) and provides advice on what to do if you suspect the pest or disease is present. Related pages Research and advice on tree pests and diseases Tree Health Diagnostic […]
  • Publications

    National Inventory of Woodland and Trees 1995-1999: Analysis of Management and Biodiversity Data

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This publication covers the management and biodiversity data collected during the first National Inventory of Woodland and Trees (NIWT1) that were not published with the main statistics on woodland area. Many of these data were collected for the first time during this National Inventory project.