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Planning for brownfield land regeneration to woodland and wider green infrastructure

Lead Author: Gail Atkinson

1st March 2014



Printed publication format:

A4, 12 pages

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The regeneration of brownfield land to green space can deliver multiple benefits to society and the environment through improvements in the quality of a site and its surrounding landscape. Successful delivery of regeneration projects is dependent on the planning of project delivery and on good project management. This Practice Note describes the process of brownfield regeneration to woodland in order to inform project planning, raise awareness of lessons learnt from past projects, and provide guidance to practitioners so that they avoid common pitfalls. It may also be used in the regeneration of brownfield land to other green and open space. The Note details each of the main stages of the regeneration process and the tasks associated with each stage. It also describes the role of the project delivery team and the disciplines needed for project delivery. Where a project has already started, guidance in this Note can help consolidate and refine existing project plans to improve project delivery and the likelihood of producing sustainable woodland. Aimed at those who plan and deliver brownfield regeneration to woodland projects, this Note supports project delivery planning and should be used by all members of the project delivery team.