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5 Search Results

  • Publications

    Forest Yield: A handbook on forest growth and yield tables for British forestry

    Lead Author: R.W. Matthews
    Yield models are one of the foundations of forest management. They provide information about the patterns of tree growth and potential productivity that can be expected in forest stands of different tree species, with varying growth rates, when managed in different ways. Yield models are in daily use by forest managers and practitioners when making […]
  • Publications

    Managing Native Broadleaved Woodland

    What native broadleaved woodland managers need to know; a new handbook that provides answers to questions that woodland managers ask and covers topics including use of grazing animals, uneven aged silviculture and management for nature conservation.
  • Publications

    Forest mensuration: a handbook for practitioners

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Forest Mensuration is an essential, practice-based handbook designed to help all those working in the timber trade and forestry understand how to measure trees and timber. Written for practitioners, researchers and students, this new edition aims to cut through some of the complexities of forest mensuration by providing a logical format and additional advice to […]
  • Publications

    Managing the pinewoods of Scotland

    Lead Author: W L Mason
    Our native pinewoods have long been treasured for their landscape and cultural values, as well as their contribution to the economy through timber production and recreational activities. Following decades of exploitation and degradation, recent management has concentrated primarily on the conservation of what remained of these ancient semi-natural woodlands. The aims of this handbook are […]
  • Publications

    The silviculture and management of coppice woodlands

    Lead Author: Ralph Harmer
    Coppice woodlands form an important part of our cultural heritage and are often valuable areas for conservation and biodiversity. The 20th century saw a marked decline in coppice but in recent years long neglected woodlands have been brought back into active management. This renewed interest has been mainly for wildlife benefits, but some well-managed crops, […]