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(Alternatives for the control of needle burning in Pinus radiata caused by Dothistroma septospora (Doroq) Morelet)


An outbreak of DNB took place in 1982 in Ecuador as result of environmental conditions and the susceptibility of P. radiata seedlings in the early years. They suggested controlling the disease using silvicultural treatments, such as pruning and removing understory, DNB-resistance provenances, mixed forests and finally chemical control. Random blocks with 16 treatments and 4 replicates were carried out. Copper fungicides minimized the damage caused by DNB and the highest severity was associated to rainfall periods, which together with constant mean temperatures will favor to the disease. Cupric hydroxide and copper oxychloride are the most efficient fungicides, followed by Benomyl, methyl thiophanate and tryphenil acetate. On the other hand, bitertanol and control treatments showed the highest damages. Pruning didn’t minimize the damages, probably due to the low density of these forests. Negative effects on height, diameter or volume were not found, but it could be because of the short period of this survey. Further studies should be carried out to elucidate whether fungicide treatment is worthwhile.)

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