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The report of Forest Research for the year ending March 1950. The report includes:
Summary of the year’s work
Part 1: Work carried out by Forestry Commission staff:
Forest tree seed investigations
Experimental work in the nursery
Nursery extension experiments at Radnor forest
Experiments in planting on upland heaths
Plantations on peatlands
Derelict woodland investigations
Provenance studies
Spacing of oak in plantations
Spacing experiments in conifers
Studies of growth and yield
Forest ecology
Forest pathology
Forest entomology
Machinery research
Library and documentation work
Photographic section
Part 2: Research undertaken for the Forestry Commission by workers attached to universities and other institutions:
Sub -committee on nutrition problems in forest nurseries — summary report on 1949 experiments
Microbiological investigations and work on composts
Effect of partial sterilisation on the occurrence of fungi in the soil
Investigations on the fauna of forest humus layers
Soil faunal investigations
Research into the physical and chemical properties of forest soils
Nutrient uptake of conifers
Ecological studies on calluna heaths
Ecological studies in pine plantations
Botanica studies of variation in certain conifer species
Fomes annosus in East Anglian pine plantations
Ornithological investigations in forests


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Forestry Commission