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137 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Predicting the productivity of Sitka spruce on upland sites in northern Britain

    Lead Author: R. Worrell
    The research described in this Bulletin integrates the main environmental factors influencing the growth of Sitka spruce at high elevations in order to estimate future yield class.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The management of red deer in upland forests

    Lead Author: P.R. Ratcliffe
    This Bulletin is primarily concerned with the management of resident populations of red deer in commercial forests, and gives practical prescriptions for deer management based upon sound data collection and scientific method. All such prescriptions must be aimed at particular, well-defined deer populations occupying discrete ranges. There is an important emphasis throughout upon predictive management, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Census of woodland and trees 1979-82

    Lead Author: G.M.L. Locke
    This Bulletin describes the survey methods adopted for the census of woodlands and trees carried out between 1979 and 1982, discusses the main results of the investigation, and compares them with those of past surveys. It supplements the area and volume results which have already been published for counties and Conservancies in England and Wales, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The yield of sweet chestnut coppice

    Lead Author: T.J.D. Rollinson
    This Bulletin reports on coppice growth and yield in relation to site and various stand characteristics and shows how volume or weight per hectare may be predicted from very simple measurements.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Choice of seed origins for the main forest species in Britain

    Lead Author: R. Lines
    Choice of seed origin can be a very critical stage in forest management, in some cases resulting either in flourishing plantations or else in complete failure. This Bulletin is directed at both manager and researchers. The former are succinctly guided to appropriate seed origins for their site conditions and objectives, and equally importantly warned off […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest Health Surveys 1987 Part 1: Results

    Lead Author: J.L. Innes
    An annual forest health survey has been conducted in Great Britain since 1984 (Binns et al., 1985, 1986; Innes el al., 1986). From the outset, the survey has been designed to determine both the extent of any deterioration in crown condition and, if possible, its causes. Over the years a number of changes have been […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Price-size curves for conifers

    Lead Author: D.C. Mitlin
    This Bulletin describes the development of the long-term price assumptions used by the Forestry Commission for estimating future timber revenues.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Practice (10th edition)

    Lead Author: B. G. Hibberd
    A summary of methods of establishing, maintaining and harvesting forest crops with advice on planning and other management considerations for owners, agents and foresters.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Technology transfer in forestry

    Lead Author: G.H. Moeller (Ed)
    This Bulletin contains papers presented at the second Subject Group meeting held at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25 July-1 August 1983. The need for efficient transfer of new forestry knowledge is critical throughout all the various IUFRO Subject Groups. Group S6.08 serves as a clearing-house for ideas related to procedures, processes and methods for application […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Silviculture of broadleaved woodland

    Lead Author: J. Evans
    The object of this Bulletin is to assist all who are concerned with the management or cultivation of broadleaves. Much practical silvicultural advice is included, and many recommendations are made with the main emphasis on the silvicultural techniques used to grow good quality timber. But broadleaved woodlands are important for much more than timber production […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Research on Dutch elm disease in Europe

    Lead Author: D.A. Burdekin (Ed)
    This Bulletin contains the proceedings of the European Economic Community Research Seminar, Guernsey, Channel Islands, 30th March — 1st April 1982. The papers summarise the results of recent research undertaken by scientists from six members of the European Community.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifer Lachnids in Britain

    Lead Author: C.I. Carter
    This Bulletin contains Field keys and morphological keys with descriptions and illustrations for the identifications of the 27 aphids of the family Lachnidae known to occur on conifers in Britain. The strong influence of their host plant upon these insects and the impact some of them have on the growth of forest trees and amenity […]