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The Forestry Commission Journal was introduced as a way to communicate information on a wide range of topics which could not be communicated through ‘ordinary official channels’, and was intended to be a means of exchanging the opinions and experiences of all members of the staff.
This seventh Journal includes information on: Forest workers’ holdings; Review of progress in research and experiment; Shortcuts for working plans; Unofficial notes on an official visit; Buildings for forest workers’ holdings; The immediate control of operations; Duties of a District Officer; Some problems in land acquisition; Attitude of the populace in Wales towards the Commission’s operations; Timber prices, 1927; Tintern woods: Produce and prices; Office organisation; Divisional organisation; Nursery management and general practice; Forestry and sporting rights; Notes on forestry in Canada; Storm damage in sample plots; Effects of spring frosts of 1927; Plantation fires; Reviews and abstracts; Notes and queries.

Publication type
Archive publication: Journal
Publication owner
Forestry Commission