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The Forestry Commission Journal was introduced as a way to communicate information on a wide range of topics which could not be communicated through ‘ordinary official channels’, and was intended to be a means of exchanging the opinions and experiences of all members of the staff.
This twenty-second Journal includes information on: The European Commission for Forestry and Forest Products; The British Association meeting at Edinburgh, August 1951; American commentary; A Tour of Danish forests; Denmark diary; Notes on a tour of south and central Sweden; Fertility in forest soils; Natural regeneration of old Caledonian Scots pine at Rannoch; The dispersal of hardwood seeds by voles and mice; Rehabilitation at Plym Forest, Devon; The Field Officer and the choice of species; The choice of tree species in Scotland; Extension of nursery experiments into Radnor Forest; Planting beech at West Woods with and without cover; Eccentric growth; European larch races; A report of work on poplars and poplar cultivation in Great Britain, 1951; Aspen poplars in Great Britain; An audible fire warning system at Thetford Chase; Gale warning: windblow in western spruce plantations; A tree shield to prevent injury when tushing Logs; Damage by starlings to trees at Slebech Forest, South Wales; An early proposal for state control of woodland; Rights of way; Fundamentals of road planning; Income and expenditure accounts or cash accounts?; Breckland bird studies; Old Brecks or New Forests?; A forest herbarium; Literature on forestry in Scotland; Bringing forestry to the public; The Merrick climbed; Roe deer in Austria.

Publication type
Archive publication: Journal
Publication owner
Forestry Commission