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Themes: Ecosystem Services

350 Search Results

  • Research

    Woodland Creation and Ecological Networks (WrEN) Project

    WrEN is a long-term, large-scale ‘natural experiment’ which is studying the influence of different site and landscape attributes on biodiversity in a chronosequence of secondary woodlands.
  • Research

    The effects of peatland restoration on water quality

    We are investigating the effects of peatland restoration by deforestation on nutrient and carbon transport to the water environment.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco in the UK: impact on the management of urban trees

    Forest Research are reviewing the impact on i-Tree Eco on the management of urban trees. If you have experience of i-Tree Eco and are interested in participating please read this page.
  • Research

    Rewetting trials

    This project aims to test two techniques for rewetting cracked peat bogs so that we can recommend how to do it in practice. Barriers to water movement are formed by digging trenches to deeper than the cracks and repacking them with peat with or without a plastic membrane lining one side of the trench.
  • Publications

    Delivery of ecosystem services by urban forests

    Lead Author: Helen Davies
    This Research Report looks at a broad range of urban forest-based ecosystem services and disservices and, using a literature review, links their provision with four aspects of urban forests (physical scale, physical structure and context in terms of location and proximity to people and land use and ownership). A key objective of this report is […]
  • Research

    Shared values of ecosystems

    Shared values of ecosystem services, their importance and methods to enable their formation and expression.
  • Research

    Green Infrastructure – European network

    Green Infrastructure - European network. Social environmental and economic benefits of green infrastructure.
  • Research

    Soil changes under long-term woodland establishment

    Investigation of soil development under woodland and the effects on aboveground biodiversity change.
  • Publications

    The implications of upland conifer management for breeding birds

    Lead Author: John Calladine
    Stand structure is an important determinant of habitat quality for forest biodiversity and is influenced by management. In conifer plantations, the varied structure created within a stand by continuous cover forestry (CCF) systems has been expected to be better for woodland birds than the range of discrete stand structures created through rotations of clearfelling and […]
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco services provided by Forest Research

    Summary of i-Tree related services and training offered by Forest Research and it's partner Treeconomics.
  • Research

    Towards robust projections of European forests under climate change

    Improved understanding of climate change projections for European forests – from models to stakeholders.
  • Research

    Peatland ecosystem services

    Monitoring ecosystem services from afforested peatland and the effects of bog restoration and conversion to peatland edge woodland