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519 Search Results for Pest and Diseases

  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifer wooly aphids (Adelgidae) in Britain

    Lead Author: C.I. Carter
    This investigation has been mainly confined to providing descriptions for the identification of the various winged morphs of the adelgid species occurring in Britain. Morphological keys and descriptions, together with 32 figures, are given for the determination of the 14 winged morphs of the 9 species having alatae. In addition, a key to the adult […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Resin-top disease of Scots pine (FC Leaflet 49 – 1964)

    Information on resin-top disease of Scots pine
  • Publications

    [Archive] Grey mould in forest nurseries (FC Leaflet 50 – 1964)

    This Leaflet discusses the disease and development of grey mould, tree species affected and control measures.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Chestnut blight

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    In Britain, the sweet chestnut, Castanea sativa, is at the northern limit of its distribution, and as a forest tree it is of importance in the southern half of England only. So far, in Britain, it has not been seriously affected by disease, however, it is a serious matter that Chestnut Blight, which has ravaged […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Keithia disease of thuja plicata (FC Leaflet 43 – 1963)

    This Leaflet describes the history of the fungus, disease symptoms and control measures of Keithia disease of thuja plicata in Western red ceder in Britain
  • Publications

    [Archive] The pine shoot moth (FC Leaflet 40 – 1956)

    This leaflet on the pine shoot moth describes the main features of the life cycles and forest importance of these four species, the pine shoot moth, the pine bud moth, the resin-gall moth and the pine leaf-mining moth
  • Publications

    [Archive] Voles and field mice (FC Leaflet 44 – 1958)

    This Leaflet provides information on three species: the short tailed vole, the bank vole and the long tailed field mouse.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Keithia disease of thuja plicata (FC Leaflet 43 – 1958)

    This is the original leaflet first printed in 1958 which describes the history of the fungus and disease symptoms but does not show the revised data in reprint from 1963.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Needle-cast of pine (FC Leaflet 48 – 1964)

    Lophodermium pinastri is the fungus most commonly associated with needle-cast of pines.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Rabbit control in woodlands

    Lead Author: E.V. Rogers
    This Booklet includes all the practical methods of controlling and killing rabbits in this country. Much has been written on the rabbit as the quarry of the sportsman and poacher and it is upon their experience the author has had to draw. Neither of these have the extermination of the rabbit as their aim, but […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Rusts of British forest trees

    Lead Author: J.S. Murray
    The rust fungi or Uredinales are an important group of plant parasites, causing great losses to agricultural and forest crops each year. The life cycle of a typical rust is complex, as live types of spores are produced on two different and unrelated hosts, certain of the spore types being always borne on one host […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Chemical control of weeds in the forest

    Lead Author: R.M. Brown
    This Booklet gives recommendations on the use of herbicides in British forests. It replaces Forestry Commission Leaflet 51, also entitled Chemical Control of Weeds in the Forest. Suitable types of equipment are generally described in Chapter 8, but detailed advice on the most suitable type and make of spraying equipment is not given as this […]