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492 Search Results for Ecosystem services

  • Publications

    [Archive] The value of birch in upland forests for wildlife conservation

    Lead Author: Gordon S. Patterson
    Broadleaved trees and shrubs are frequently scarce in upland forests in Britain, and national policy is to increase the proportion of broadleaves because of their value as wildlife habitat. Birches (Betula pubescens Ehrh. and Betula pendula Roth.) are between them adapted to succeed on a wide range of soils and are the commonest native trees […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Woodland management for pheasants

    Lead Author: P.A. Robertson
    This Bulletin summarises the findings of a 3-year study sponsored by the Forestry Commission and carried out by the Game Conservancy. The study undertook to quantify habitat requirements of pheasants, to assess the benefits or disadvantages to pheasants of different forms of woodland management and to investigate the effects of managing woods for pheasants on […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Lichens in southern woodlands

    Lead Author: K. Broad
    A working knowledge of lichen ecology is important to most foresters. The study of lichens can reveal a good deal of important information about the age, health and management history of the woodlands where they are found – whether it is ‘ancient' woodland, for example, or the prevalence of atmospheric pollution in the area. This […]
  • Publications

    Our pinewood heritage

    These conference proceedings comprise 28 papers in 5 sections: overview of the pinewoods in 1994, management issues, management practice, recent research and development, and the way ahead. Eight posters are also summarised. Expanding the area of native pinewoods in Scotland, conserving their ecology, increasing biodiversity, and recognising them as a community resource will sustain this […]
  • Publications

    Woodland management for bats

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Good practice guide which aims to strike a balance between the needs of bats and the diverse objectives of woodland managers.
  • Publications

    The creation of small woodlands on farms

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission Scotland
    This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands on farm land, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species.
  • Research

    Improving the ecological content of Forest Plans

    A case study from Glen Affric - May 2008
  • Publications

    [Archive] Goshawks: their status, requirements and management

    Lead Author: S.J. Petty
    The goshawk is a large bird of prey which was re-introduced into Britain in the 1960s and 1970s. Populations are now beginning to expand, particularly in areas with large forests, and where human persecution is not a limiting factor. It is predicted that goshawks will become relatively common in some parts of Britain by the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Wildlife conservation in woodlands

    Lead Author: R.C. Steele
    The aim of this Booklet is to show how woodlands managed mainly for wood production can be improved as habitats for wildlife. It is concerned with identifying those features of woodlands which promote wildlife conservation and suggesting how these features can be maintained or introduced by management. It suggests that wildlife conservation can and should […]
  • Publications

    The potential of applied landscape ecology to forest design planning

    Lead Author: S Bell
    Progress in research with special reference to Glen Affric and Sherwood Forest.
  • Publications

    Biodiversity in Britain’s planted forests

    Lead Author: Jonathan W Humphrey
  • Publications

    The restoration of wooded landscapes

    Lead Author: Jonathan W Humphrey
    Proceedings of a conference held at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 14-15 September 2000. This publication comprises the proceedings of the conference. Its principal aim was to bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to allow a full and free exchange of views, information and ideas on the theme of native woodland restoration at the landscape scale. This […]