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Themes: Socio Economic Research

259 Search Results

  • Publications

    An analytical framework for spatially targeted management of natural capital

    A major sustainability challenge is determining where to target management to enhance natural capital and the ecosystem services it provides. Achieving this understanding is difficult, given that the effects of most actions vary according to wider environmental conditions; and this context dependency is typically poorly understood. Here, we describe an analytical framework that helps meet […]
  • Publications

    Valuing flood regulation services of existing forest cover to inform natural capital accounts

    Background Forests are recognised to reduce flood flows, although the issue is complex and continues to be explored. While the processes of how trees affect the generation and conveyance of flood waters are understood, there remains a lack of monitoring data to quantify effects at the catchment scale (click here to visit the WWNP evidence base webpage). This […]
  • Publications

    Comparing the cost-effectiveness of forestry options for climate change mitigation

    This Research Note examines two recent studies which assessed the cost-effectiveness of forestry options for climate change mitigation across Great Britain.
  • Publications

    Woodland managers’ understanding of resilience and their future information needs

    This Research Note provides an investigation into private woodland owners’ and managers’ understanding of resilience in regard to forest and woodland management in the UK.
  • Publications

    Land managers behaviour and forest resilience

    Landowners and managers are being urged to change their behaviours and practice to increase forest resilience, this research describes some of the barriers to change including the different attitudes and beliefs of different kinds of land managers around uncertainty and risk, and the need for information and guidance which takes these perspectives into account.
  • Publications

    Influencing behaviour for resilient treescapes: Rapid Evidence Assessment

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    The Rapid Evidence Assessment considers the following: The impact of policy tools – grants, subsidies, programmes, provision of advice – on the response of land managers to tree pests and diseases The potential of formal networks to act as disseminators of information and knowledge, and mediators of change.
  • Publications

    Outdoor learning: closing the attainment gap in primary schoolchildren in Scotland

    Lead Author: Jamie Hamilton
    This Research Note compares the performances of 71 primary schoolchildren carrying out curricular tasks in outdoor and indoor classroom settings. By observing, recording and analysing how the children performed in group activities taken from the Scottish curriculum, an evaluation could be made of the relative merits of indoor and outdoor learning. In general, the results […]
  • Publications

    Forestry Facts & Figure 2017

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet contains a summary of statistics about woodland and forestry. The complete statistics for 2017 are available on our forestry statistics web page.Please note – the printed version of this document is an A2 sheet folded to A6. The PDF of the document is set to print at A3 therefore some of the pages […]
  • Publications

    What do Forest Managers want to know about adaptation?

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    Research exploring what forest managers want to know about climate change adaptation. Adaptation to climate change involves adjusting Forest Management to anticipate future changes. Starting to adapt woodland and forests to the changing climate now is important if owners and society wish to continue to benefit from the range of services they provide, capitalise on opportunities […]
  • Publications

    Observatree: Key lessons. Qualitative study of the ‘Observatree’ citizen science project

    Study evaluating the experiences of participants of Observatree, a Tree Health Early Warning System which engages volunteers in surveying for tree pests and diseases, thereby supporting efforts to protect woodlands and forests.
  • Publications

    Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales

    Lead Author: Amy Binner
    Woodlands and trees have a wide-ranging role in the economy, but this is often under-valued in conventional economic indicators. For example, woodlands deliver social and environmental benefits – such as outdoor access, biodiversity and carbon sequestration – which are largely unpriced in economic transactions but which have important impacts on the economy and on society’s […]
  • Publications

    Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales

    Lead Author: Pat Snowdon
    This Research Note is based on a review by the University of Exeter that evaluated existing knowledge on valuing the social and environmental contributions of British trees and woodlands. It starts by bringing together different (but related) economic terms and concepts in a single framework for understanding how trees and woodlands contribute to economic well-being, […]