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Themes: Forest Management

596 Search Results

  • Publications

    Effects of provenance on survival, growth and stem form of European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)in Britain

    Lead Author: Bianca Ambrose-Oji
    Use of European silver fir in forestry re-assessed Large-scale use of European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) was discounted in the mid-twentieth century. A recent paper by Forest Research scientists Gary Kerr, Victoria Stokes, Andrew Peace and Richard Jinks in the European Journal of Forest Research challenges that assumption and, using results from 46-year-old provenance experiments, […]
  • Publications

    Managing open habitats in upland forests

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The proportion of open space in many forests and woodlands is increasing as forest management plans are implemented and forests are restructured. Landowners and forest managers are increasingly being encouraged to manage this ground for biodiversity objectives but in some situations the management of open ground may be more complex and challenging than the management […]
  • Publications

    An easy guide to forest trees and their uses (Gaelic version)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Iùl beag air craobhan choilltean Is mar a chleachdas iadGheibhear san iùl bheag seo fiosrachadh air na diofar chraobhan a lorgas ann an coilltean is air fearann-coillteach ann am Breatainn. Innsidh e mar a dh’aithnichear diofar ghnèithean cumanta agus cho cudromach ‘s a tha iad ann am beatha-làitheil dhaoine. This Guide lets you find out more […]
  • Publications

    Design techniques for forest management planning

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Forest management plans are the key reference documents for monitoring and assessing forests and forestry practice in Britain. They define and communicate forest and woodland management proposals, set out how sustainable forest management is to be achieved and describe the consequences of management activities over time. Forest management planning involves assembling and integrating a wide […]
  • Publications

    Forestry Facts & Figures 2014

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet contains a summary of statistics about woodland and forestry.Please note – the printed version of this document is an A2 sheet folded to A6. The PDF of the document is set to print at A3 therefore some of the pages will appear upside down.
  • Publications

    Building wildfire resilience into forest management planning

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Wildfire events are predicted to increase in frequency in the UK due to increased land-use pressure and climate change. Wildfires can have a number of impacts on sustainable forest management and, in some extreme cases, may have devastating human and environmental consequences. Reducing the incidence and impact of wildfires in forests and woodlands through good […]
  • Publications

    Using quality compost to reclaim land for forestry and woody biomass

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Forestry Commission Report 2014. Technical guidance on using quality compost to reclaim land for forestry and woody biomass. Contact Bill Jones. What’s of interest These publications are produced by Technical Development. Some (mainly older) publications are not available online. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact Bill Jones.
  • Publications

    Planning for brownfield land regeneration to woodland and wider green infrastructure

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    The regeneration of brownfield land to green space can deliver multiple benefits to society and the environment through improvements in the quality of a site and its surrounding landscape. Successful delivery of regeneration projects is dependent on the planning of project delivery and on good project management. This Practice Note describes the process of brownfield […]
  • Publications

    The Woodland Workout – Teachers’ Guide

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The original Woodland Workout was a Forest Education Initiative project supported by Forestry Commission Scotland. The resource was developed by four teachers. The aim of the project was to produce a resource that could easily be used by teachers and enable them to offer a wide range of outdoor activities and exercises to their pupils. The activities […]
  • Publications

    Tree Stories – a learning resource

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Tree Stories were created over a year and inspired by Highland Perthshire’s beautiful fauna and flora. Each story was created during the month with which its tree is linked in folklore.
  • Publications

    Managing woodland access and forest operations in Scotland

    Lead Author: James Ogilvie
    Forests and woodlands bring wide-ranging and diverse benefits to people in Scotland. They are ideal places for people of all ages to participate in leisure, recreation and sports. However, forests are also workplaces. Forestry is an important part of the rural economy, and the production of timber provides revenue for landowners and jobs for the […]
  • Publications

    Forestry Facts & Figures 2013

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet contains a summary of statistics about woodland and forestry.Please note – the printed version of this document is an A2 sheet folded to A6. The PDF of the document is set to print at A3 therefore some of the pages will appear upside down.