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Archive Publications: Bulletin

137 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Practice (8th edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A summary of methods of establishing forest nurseries and plantations with advice on other forestry questions for owners, agents and foresters.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Pruning conifers for the production of quality timber

    Lead Author: D.W. Henman
    Experimental pruning of conifer crops was begun by the Forestry Commission in 1931 and the results of the experiments have been assessed up to date, but the final assessment, that of the pruned timber, still lies in the future. The main purpose of this Bulletin is to indicate the extent of the experimental work done […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Mycorrhizal associations and calluna heathland afforestation

    Lead Author: W.R.C. Handley
    Ever since its establishment in 1919, the Forestry Commission has taken an active interest in the afforestation of heathlands dominated by the common heather, Calluna vulgaris. These heaths hold a large reserve of plantable land, but are difficult areas for the good growth of most timber trees. Much research work has therefore been carried out […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Chalk downland afforestation

    Lead Author: R.F. Wood
    In 1961 the Forestry Commission had over 30 forests situated wholly or partly on chalk formations, scattered over the southern and eastern counties from Dorset to Kent and north to Yorkshire, while private estate owners are also engaged in the planting and management of extensive stretches of chalk down woodland. In 1927 the Commission began […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The status and development of elm disease in Britain

    Lead Author: T.R. Peace
    The discovery of the disease in Britain in 1927, and its persistence here until 1959, have provided certain unique opportunities for its study. The results of this study, with certain necessary references to European and American work, are presented here.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Afforestation of upland heaths

    Lead Author: J.W.L. Zehetmayer
    The upland heaths considered in this Bulletin comprise wide stretches of heather-clad land among the hills along the eastern side of Scotland and Northern England. This Bulletin reviews all the experimental work carried out over a period of thirty-six years, from 1921 to 1957. Many methods tried out in the early years have long since […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Code of sample plot procedure

    Lead Author: F.C. Hummel
    The systematic measurement of sample plots in stands of growing timber provides the data for the compilation of yield tables and other estimates of increment which are essential to the economic management of woodlands. In order that such measurements shall be strictly comparable, both as between one sample plot and another, and within the same […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Cultivation of the cricket bat willow

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Tree willows may be divided into two groups, according to the purpose for which the wood is to be utilised. One group contains trees which are pollarded with a view to the production of poles used principally for hurdles and rough fencing. The other group contains timber of larger size and under this category the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Practice (7th edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A summary of methods of establishing forest nurseries and plantations with advice on other forestry questions for owners, agents and foresters.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Sitka spruce in British Columbia: a study in forest relationships

    Lead Author: W.R. Day
    In the spring and summer of 1952 Mr W.R. Day, Lecturer in Forest Pathology at the Imperial Forestry Institute, Oxford, visited British Columbia. His object was to examine the forest relationships of the Sitka spruce in its natural homeland. The main purpose was to study Sitka spruce as an element in the mixed forests in […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Exotic forest trees in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Bulletin is the response of Great Britain to the request of the Commonwealth Conference to produce a report on exotic trees in the British Isles.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Shelterbelts and microclimate

    Lead Author: J.M. Caborn
    This bulletin discusses the effects which shelterbelts of trees exert on the microclimates of their adjacent regions. Part one consists of a review of available scientific evidence concerning such effects and their influence on agricultural yields and forestry practice. Part two deals with a critical survey of research procedure in connexion with microclimatological investigations of […]