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Refine Results

Publish Date:

1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    Coalfield programme

    Ongoing management of the Nottinghamshire colliery tip sites and regeneration objectives for South Yorkshire coalfields sites
  • Tools and Resources

    Invasive species – practical considerations

    Practical considerations for urban greenspace sites with regards to colonisation by particular invasive species
  • Tools and Resources

    Social and environmental justice

    How social and environmental justice affects how people from different social groups use and access green space
  • Tools and Resources

    Social perception – Practical considerations

    How social perception can alter the use of greenspace for recreation and exercise and case studies
  • Tools and Resources

    Soil compaction – practical considerations

    Culitvation methods and considerations to alleviate soil compaction at undermanaged greenspaces
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    Crime and vandalism – challenges and practical considerations

    Practical considerations and challenges to the use of greenspace due to fear of crime and vandalism
  • Tools and Resources

    Development pressure – challenges and practical considerations

    Information on the development pressures, practical considerations, policy and issues of greenspace provision in urban areas
  • Tools and Resources

    Habitat fragmentation – Practical considerations

    Issues and practical considerations of habitat fragmentation caused by the provision of urban greenspace
  • Tools and Resources

    Air pollution – practical considerations

    How tree species in urban greening schemes improve air quality and reduce air pollutionm with case study examples
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Consumption of softwood by size of mill

    Despite accounting for only 16% of all sawmills (see Table 2.8), those with total annual sawnwood production of 25 thousand cubic metres or more accounted for 85% of the total softwood consumed by sawmills in 2017 (Table 2.11). Table 2.11 Consumption of softwood by size of mill, 2008-2017 Year Size of Mill (total production)1       Total   <1 1 – <5 5 – <10 10 – […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Production of sawn softwood by size of mill

    UK sawmills produced a total of 3.7 million cubic metres of sawn softwood in 2017, a 3% increase from the 2016 figure (Table 2.13). Sawmills with total annual sawnwood production of 25 thousand cubic metres or more accounted for 85% of the total sawn softwood produced by sawmills in 2017. Table 2.13 Production of sawn softwood by size […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – World trade in forest products

    Figures 9.6 and 9.7 show the largest net importers and exporters (by value) of forest products in 2016. This covers trade in roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, wood pulp and paper and paperboard.  Values are expressed in US dollars. The UK was the second-largest net importer (imports less exports) of forest products in 2016, with net imports of […]