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Themes: Ecosystem Services

352 Search Results

  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Projects

    Completed UK i-Tree Eco studies undertaken or supported by Forest Research.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Southampton

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Southampton city's urban trees
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Cardiff

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Cardiff city's urban trees
  • Research

    Harvested Wood Products and Carbon Substitution

    This study reviews approaches to accounting for carbon storage and carbon substitution benefits of harvested wood products under existing carbon market standards, and considers how the UK Woodland Carbon Code - which at present covers climate change mitigation benefits of afforestation in terms of carbon sequestration, might be extended.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Edinburgh

    An assessment of the ecosystem services provided by Edinburgh city's urban trees. Keywords: i-Tree Eco, Ecosystem Services, Urban, Trees, Greenspace, Valuation, Edinburgh, CSGN
  • Publications

    Assessing the investment returns from timber and carbon in woodland creation projects

    Lead Author: Richard Haw
    Financial returns from woodland creation have traditionally been generated from sales of timber. In recent years, the voluntary carbon market has established and grown in the UK and landowners can now generate additional revenue from the sale of carbon. The sale of carbon ‘credits’ allows landowners to increase their financial returns by creating woodlands for […]
  • Research

    PRotect Oak Ecosystems (PuRpOsE)

    This project is providing understanding of the current and future health threats to native oaks in the UK. It is focussing on Acute Oak Decline (AOD).
  • Publications

    Ecological impacts of ash dieback and mitigation methods

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    Ash is a widespread species which makes a substantial contribution to many landscapes. Ash trees are affected by ash dieback, a disease caused by a fungus. It is clear from the European experience of the disease that a significant number of ash trees could be lost from woodlands in the UK over the course of […]
  • Research

    SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

    We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.
  • Research

    Carbon accumulation and loss in afforested peatlands

    PhD studentship •Quantifying carbon accumulation and loss in afforested peatlands
  • Research

    Putting UK woodland bats on the map

    We are working with Bat Conservation Trust to develop and trial a national citizen science field survey scheme and species distribution modelling framework for UK woodland bats.
  • Publications

    Implications of lowland broadleaved woodland management for the conservation of target bird species

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    This research consisted of a literature review and field study which investigated woodland management for birds within lowland broadleaved woodlands in Britain. The research considered the effect of woodland management (silvicultural intervention and control of deer browsing) on vegetation structure, and the relationships between vegetation structure and woodland birds. Based on habitat–bird relationships, a classification […]