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467 Search Results for forests and climate change

  • Research

    Valuing tree and forest ecosystem services

    Our research explores the value of different tree and forest ecosystem services and uses innovative methods to identify and capture those values
  • Research

    Environmental benefits and impacts of greenspace development

    Environmental benefits and impacts of woodland establishment on brownfield and contaminated land
  • Research

    Restoration guidance for landfill sites

    This page describes Forest Research’s work for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and the Forestry Commission to develop guidelines on suitable approaches to landfill restoration and landscaping.
  • Research

    Quantification and valuation of benefits provided by urban trees

    Overview of Forest Research's projects for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem service provision of urban trees
  • Research

    Urban trees and greenspace in a changing climate

    Research to understand the contribution that urban trees make with respect to: the resilience of current and planned urban tree stocks to climate change, their role in regulating temperatures, and water management in urban areas
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and biodiversity

    More biodiverse woodlands are better able to resist or adapt to threats, such as climate change. This enhanced resilience supports the continuity of woodlands and the ecosystem services they provide. Biodiversity is the variation at different levels of biological organisation - the genes within a species; the species within a community; and the diversity between communities and ecosystems.
  • Research

    Provenance variation of emerging species

    Forest Research has recently examined some long-term experiments to examine provenance variation of emerging species.  Individual reports for the species covered so far can be found here. The table at the bottom of this page is a summary of how the results compare with Forestry Commission Bulletin 66, which only...
  • Research

    Putting UK woodland bats on the map

    We are working with Bat Conservation Trust to develop and trial a national citizen science field survey scheme and species distribution modelling framework for UK woodland bats.
  • Research

    Strathard: a landscape to live, work and play

    This project aims to develop more sustainable and resilient land and water management plans in Strathard by taking an ecosystems approach which considers the wider impacts and benefits of a range of management plans on ecosystem services, the landscape and communities living there.
  • Research

    Woodland Diversification

    Woodland Diversification Managing woodland stands in a way that retains productivity targets, but that also fosters biodiversity and stand resilience are key sustainable forest management goals. Current forestry policy advocates a diversification of woodland stands to achieve these goals, favouring mixed age structures, trees of mixed provenance and polycultures over...
  • Research

    The dendroclimatic and dendrochronological background to Acute Oak Decline

    Using tree ring measurements (dendrochronology) and stable isotope analysis, the research aims to examine the stem growth and tree health histories of Acute Oak Decline (AOD)-affected trees, to look for evidence of predisposition to AOD, the impact of AOD on recent growth, and correlation with A. biguttatus attack.
  • Tools and Resources

    Climate change resources

    Resources relevant to forests and climate change. General The National Adaptation Programme Making the country resilient to a changing climate (2013). HM Government. Environmental Reporting Guidelines: including mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting guidance (2013) Defra, London. Government forestry and woodlands policy statement, incorporating the Government’s response to the Independent Panel on Forestry’s final report (2013). Defra, London, and Forestry […]