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190 Search Results for Forestry Standards

  • Tools and Resources

    User Engagement

    User consultation on statistics
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Certified woodland area

    Certified woodland in the UK has been independently audited against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. Forestry certification schemes are owned by international non-governmental organisations and exist to promote good forest practice. They offer product labels to demonstrate that wood or wood products come from well-managed forests. Figures for certified woodland areas are often used as an […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2018 – Certified woodland area

    Certified woodland in the UK has been independently audited against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. Forestry certification schemes are owned by international non-governmental organisations and exist to promote good forest practice. They offer product labels to demonstrate that wood or wood products come from well-managed forests. Figures for certified woodland areas are often used as an […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Certified woodland area

    Certified woodland in the UK has been independently audited against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. Forestry certification schemes are owned by international non-governmental organisations and exist to promote good forest practice. They offer product labels to demonstrate that wood or wood products come from well-managed forests. Figures for certified woodland areas are often used as an […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Climate change resources

    Resources relevant to forests and climate change. General The National Adaptation Programme Making the country resilient to a changing climate (2013). HM Government. Environmental Reporting Guidelines: including mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting guidance (2013) Defra, London. Government forestry and woodlands policy statement, incorporating the Government’s response to the Independent Panel on Forestry’s final report (2013). Defra, London, and Forestry […]
  • Service

    Social and economic research services

    The Society and Environment Research Group along with our economist colleagues provide a range of social and economic research services to the forestry and environment sectors including: Advice on the design and conduct of social and economic research Research project design and management Advice on social and economic issues in forestry and the wider environment Advice on evaluating forestry, environment and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Carbon

    Introduction Forests can help mitigate climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They do this by absorbing carbon dioxide, using the carbon to produce sugars for tree growth and releasing the oxygen back into the air. As trees grow, they store carbon in their leaves, twigs and trunk, and in the […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Felling

    Felling Introduction Under the Forestry Act 1967, it is illegal to fell trees in Great Britain without prior approval, although there are a few exceptions (for trees below a specified size, dangerous trees, and very small scale felling operations). There is a presumption against removal of woodland and loss of forest cover in the UK, so felling […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Development pressure – challenges and practical considerations

    Information on the development pressures, practical considerations, policy and issues of greenspace provision in urban areas
  • Tools and Resources

    Forestry Statistics 2016

    Forestry Statistics is a compilation of statistics on woodland, forestry and primary wood processing in the UK. Where possible, statistical information in this publication covers the whole of the United Kingdom, and is broken down to give figures for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Natural Resources Wales […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Species choice

    Information on the practical considerations for correct choice of species for planting on greenspace sites in urban areas
  • Tools and Resources

    Forestry Statistics 2017

    Forestry Statistics is a compilation of statistics on woodland, forestry and primary wood processing in the UK. Where possible, statistical information in this publication covers the whole of the United Kingdom, and is broken down to give figures for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Natural Resources Wales […]