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Themes: Ecosystem Services

151 Search Results

  • Publications

    Woodland management for bats

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Good practice guide which aims to strike a balance between the needs of bats and the diverse objectives of woodland managers.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing light to enable natural regeneration in British conifer forests

    Lead Author: Sophie Hale
    This Information Note summarises the light requirements for seedling growth of conifer species beneath a forest canopy, and describes how to assess whether light levels beneath a stand are limiting seedling growth. Various methods of assessing light and canopy openness are described.
  • Publications

    Managing woodlands and their mammals

    Lead Author: Chris P Quine
    Proceedings of a symposium on ‘Managing woodlands and their mammals’ organised jointly by The Mammal Society and the Forestry Commission. The aim of the meeting was to bring mammalogists and foresters together to review knowledge, foster understanding and enhance cooperation between enthusiastic groups interested in the welfare of the British countryside. This publication seeks to […]
  • Publications

    Environmental impact assessment of forestry projects

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet provides guidance on how to seek consent from the Forestry Commission for ‘relevant projects’ under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 1999. The relevant projects are deforestation, afforestation, forestry roads and forestry quarries.
  • Publications

    Publications on woodlands and the environment

    Land reclamation and urban greening
  • Publications

    Development and review concerning Forest Focus (PDF, 1.6 MB)

    Lead Author: Peter Freer-Smith
    Summary The European Community and the Member States are committed to implementing internationally agreed activities relating to the conservation and protection of forests. In this context it is in the general interest of the Community to develop the monitoring activities that have been established and run under Regulation (EC) 2152/2003 called Forest Focus and the proceeding […]
  • Publications

    Annual report on the environmental change network (ECN) 2003-2004

    Lead Author: Suzanne Benham
    By Sue Benham. Related pages Environmental change network Long term monitoring of forest ecosystems
  • Publications

    Woodfuel Information Pack

    Lead Author: Duncan Ireland
    This Woodfuel Information Pack brings together key basic information about many aspects of using wood for fuel. These include background on benefits, renewable energy targets and policy, conversion, end users and systems. For more information, visit our Tools and Resources fuel information pages. 
  • Publications

    A new dawn for native woodland restoration on the Forestry Commission Estate in Scotland

    Lead Author: George F Peterken
    This publication reviews the progress made with Forest Enterprise Scotland's programme of native woodland maintenance, improvement, restoration and expansion…
  • Publications

    [Archive] Open ground in upland forests: A review of its potential as wildlife habitat and appropriate management methods

    Lead Author: Russell Anderson
    By Russell Anderson. 2003. Related pages Habitat networks Landscape ecology Integrated establishment systems for the uplands Integrated forest vegetation management Lowland native woodlands Management of upland native woodlands Silvicultural and woodland management practices publications Vegetation management publications Woodland establishment and regeneration publications
  • Publications

    [Archive] A survey of cattle-grazed woodlands in britain

    Lead Author: Helen Armstrong
    By Helen M. Armstrong, Liz Poulsom, Tom Connolly and Andrew Peace (2003).
  • Publications

    Managing the historic environment in woodland – The vital role of research

    Lead Author: Peter Crow
    The historic environment is an important part of our heritage and contributes significantly to our understanding of the human past. This publication provides a review of the management of the historic environment in woodlands, highlights important issues and reports on current and planned research. By Peter Crow. Article in Forest Research Annual Report 2002/3. Related pages Historic environment resources