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Refine Results

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1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Public Opinion of Forestry – tree health

    The Forestry Commission has conducted similar surveys of public attitudes to forestry and forestry-related issues every two years since 1995. The most recent surveys were conducted in 2015 (with separate surveys in Scotland, Wales, and across the UK as a whole) and in 2014 (in Northern Ireland). The full results are available within the 2015 […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Woodfuel processing

    Processing wood to make quality woodfuel
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Origin of wood imports

    Table 3.8 presents data on the source of selected wood products that have been imported into the UK in 2015. Sawn softwood, particleboard, fibreboard, and paper and paperboard were overwhelmingly imported from EU countries in 2015 (Table 3.8): Sweden (45%), Latvia (16%) and Finland (14%) provided the majority of imports of sawn softwood to the UK. Most particleboard […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Carbon cycle

    Figure 4.1 shows a forest’s contribution to the carbon cycle. Trees absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and release it through respiration; the difference is new biomass. Some of this biomass is dropped to the forest floor as litter (foliage, deadwood, etc), which in due course decays and is either released back to the atmosphere or […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Types of woodfuel

    The different types of woodfuel, their characteristics and benefits
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Apparent consumption of wood in the UK

    Apparent consumption is the amount of timber, measured as wood raw material equivalent (WRME) underbark, used as wood and wood products by people and industries in the United Kingdom. It is calculated as total United Kingdom production plus imports, minus exports. Apparent consumption differs from actual consumption by the extent of changes in the level […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Biomass links

    A selection of links, organised by category, to other, generally non-commercial, biomass related websites and resources, including local producer groups
  • Tools and Resources

    Ramorum disease (Phytophthora ramorum)

    Information, management advice and guidance on ramorum disease of forest trees and plants, and its causal agent, Phytophthora ramorum. Also known as sudden oak death, sudden larch death and larch tree disease
  • Tools and Resources

    Inputs for the integrated pulp & paper mills

    The integrated pulp & paper mills in the UK consumed a total of 0.5 million tonnes of material (all softwood) in 2015, a 5% decrease from the 2014 total (Table 2.20). UK roundwood represented 81% of the inputs for the integrated pulp & paper mills in 2015, with the remaining 19% coming from sawmill products. Table 2.20 […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Emissions’ studies

    A selection of reports concerning emissions from biomass and air quality
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Inputs for wood-based panel products

    Table 2.22 and Figure 2.4 show the inputs to mills that produce wood-based panels in the UK. The mills used a total of 3.9 million tonnes of material in 2015, unchanged from 2014. The inputs in 2015 comprised 1.3 million green tonnes of roundwood (34%), 1.7 million green tonnes of sawmill products (43%) and 0.9 […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Wood production availability forecasts: Softwood

    The National Forest Inventory “50-year forecast of softwood availability” and “50-year forecast of hardwood availability” were published in April 2014. They are forecasts of potential availability rather than production, as they do not take account of management objectives, financial factors or the state of markets, all of which will affect the level of and timing […]