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1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Forest cover: international comparisons

    The FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) is a collation of forest data undertaken by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) at the global level every five years. At around 13% forest cover in 2015, the UK is one of the least densely forested countries in Europe (Table 9.1, Figure 9.1). This compares with […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Forest area by country

    One fifth of the world’s forest area is located in the Russian Federation, with a further 12% in Brazil (Figure 9.2). Figure 9.2 Forest area by country, 2015 Source: FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015. These figures are outside the scope of National Statistics
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Annual changes in forest area

    The global forest area reduced by around 7.3 million hectares (0.2%) per year between 1990 and 2000, by around 4.0 million hectares (0.1%) per year between 2000 and 2010 and by around 3.3 million hectares (0.1%) per year between 2010 and 2015 (Table 9.2). The forest area has reduced in most regions since 1990, except for […]
  • Tools and Resources

    People and the archaeological resource

    Outline of the cultural value of woodland archaeology and links to the social research group
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Timber prices

    Timber Price Indices are based on sales of softwood (conifers) by the Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales and are released every 6 months. They cover: Sales in England and Scotland by the Forestry Commission; and Sales in Wales by the Forestry Commission to 31 March 2013 and by Natural Resources Wales from 1 April 2013. The Coniferous […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Financial return from forestry investment

    Returns to investors in forestry are made up of sales of timber (standing or felled), sales of other goods and services, increases in the value of the woodland (from annual increment or market factors), and the net income from subsidies (e.g. planting grants) less taxes. The investors’ costs are made up of employment costs and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Health & Safety

    From April 2012, accidents involving absence from work of at least seven days are required to be reported to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Prior to this time, reporting was required for absences of at least three days. Accident rates in forestry and wood products have tended to decline in recent years, but are still […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Visits to woodland – household surveys

    The information shown below in Table 6.1 has been obtained from the following general population household surveys. UK Day Visits Surveys (1994, 1996, 1998) GB Day Visits Survey (2002/3) Scottish Recreation Survey (2004 to 2012) England Leisure Visits Survey (2005) Welsh Outdoor Recreation Survey (2008, 2011, 2014) Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (England, 2009-10 onwards) Scotland’s People and Nature Survey […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Household surveys in Wales

    Household surveys in Wales Natural Resources Wales and its predecessors (Countryside Council for Wales and Forestry Commission Wales) commissioned a Welsh Outdoor Recreation Survey (WORS) in 2008, 2011 and 2014. The survey provides data on Welsh residents’ participation in informal outdoor activities and visits to the outdoors, including woodland. Further information on the survey, including copies […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Public Opinion of Forestry survey – woodland visitors

    Public Opinion of Forestry survey – woodland visitors The Public Opinion of Forestry Survey is carried out every two years and obtains people’s attitudes to forestry and forestry-related issues, including visits to woodland. Copies of reports and detailed data tables are available at The results shown in Tables 6.5 and 6.6 and Figure 6.1 have been […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Public Opinion of Forestry – climate change

    The Forestry Commission has conducted similar surveys of public attitudes to forestry and forestry-related issues every two years since 1995. The most recent set of separate surveys was conducted in 2015 (in Scotland, Wales, and across the UK as a whole) and 2014 (in Northern Ireland). The full results are available on our website at […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2016 – Populations of wild birds

    Indices of wild bird populations in the UK are produced annually by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in conjunction with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), and cover a range of species that are native […]