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473 Search Results for Forestry Practice

  • Publications

    Respacing naturally regenerating Sitka spruce and other conifers

    Lead Author: W L Mason
    Dense natural regeneration of Sitka spruce and other conifers is an increasingly common feature of both recently clearfelled sites and stands managed under continuous cover forestry in upland forests of the British Isles. This regeneration can be managed by combining natural self-thinning in the early stages of stand establishment with management intervention to cut access […]
  • Publications

    Hazards from trees: a general guide

    Lead Author: David Lonsdale
    This Practice Guide indicates the responsibilities of owners and managers for assessing the risk of hazards from trees, and considers what inspection procedures might be appropriate. Preventative care of young trees and methods of protecting trees from wildlife damage are described. Details of tree hazards, signs of their occurrence, and options for remedial work are […]
  • Publications

    Expanding woodlands in Special Protection Areas for golden eagles

    Lead Author: Paul Haworth
    Golden eagles are primarily birds of open mountain country but they can use open woodland habitats and may benefit from prey species which use woodlands. In 2010 a suite of six new Special Protection Areas (SPAs) covering 360,000 ha were designated by the Scottish Government for the conservation of golden eagles, adding to the existing […]
  • Climate Change Hub


    Watch our library of animations and videos about climate change risks and how to adapt forestry practice to increase resilience.
  • Publications

    Nearest neighbour method for quantifying wildlife damage to trees in woodland

    Lead Author: Harry W. Pepper
    This Practice Note discusses in detail the nearest neighbour method and its use as a decision-making tool for wildlife management.
  • Publications

    Managing public safety on harvesting sites

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Everyone involved in forestry work has health and safety duties and responsibilities. This Practice Note provides guidance to help landowners, forest managers and forestry practitioners manage public safety on harvesting sites. Forest operations are high-risk activities, and the management issues involved in harvesting and hauling timber while maintaining public access to forests and woodlands can […]
  • Publications

    Managing woodland access and forest operations in Scotland

    Lead Author: James Ogilvie
    Forests and woodlands bring wide-ranging and diverse benefits to people in Scotland. They are ideal places for people of all ages to participate in leisure, recreation and sports. However, forests are also workplaces. Forestry is an important part of the rural economy, and the production of timber provides revenue for landowners and jobs for the […]
  • Publications

    Reducing pesticide use in forestry

    Lead Author: I Willoughby
    UK Government and European policy is to minimise pesticide use as far as possible. Covering pest, disease, vegetation and wildlife management, and based upon the latest research, Reducing Pesticide Use in Forestry can help forestry practitioners to assess the impact of any problem and select a non-chemical solution. Two simple flowcharts summarise the decision process […]
  • Publications

    The prevention of rabbit damage to trees in woodland

    Lead Author: Harry W. Pepper
    Rabbits have increased considerably in numbers in the British countryside. This Note gives a brief description of the problems associated with rabbits and summarises the control methods available.
  • Publications

    The prevention of mammal damage to trees in woodland

    Lead Author: Harry W. Pepper
    This note is designed to help woodland managers diagnose mammal damage, to evaluate its severity, to consider management options and to determine the appropriate action to take. Suggested sources of more detailed information on damage control operations are included.
  • Publications

    Recommendations for fallow, roe and muntjac deer fencing: new proposals for temporary and reusable fencing

    Lead Author: Harry W. Pepper
    This Practice Note presents the recommendations resulting from research work into reducing the cost of deer fencing without compromising on efficiency.
  • Publications

    Deciding future management options for afforested deep peatland

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    This guide will help forest managers and agents in Scotland decide the best future management option for afforested deep peat sites (defined here as soils with a peat layer of 50 cm or more). It explains the principles and assessment methods of the ‘Forestry on peatland habitats’ supplementary guidance that Forestry Commission Scotland published in […]