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492 Search Results for Ecosystem services

  • Research

    Highland forest habitat network

    Information about a study to assess the extent and distribution of forest habitat networks in the Highland region of Scotland. Focussing on native pinewood and Atlantic oakwood habitat networks. Describes a DSS developed to help deliver a woodland grant scheme to functionally connect forest habitat
  • Research

    Developing lowland habitat networks in Scotland

    A more integrated approach to planning land-use change which takes account of conservation objectives for the full suite of habitats and species
  • Research

    Forest habitat network in Scotland

    The development of Forest Habitat Network for Scotland
  • Research

    Urban networks for people and biodiversity

    Habitat networks are a key mechanism for reversing the effects of fragmentation on biodiversity while delivering other social and environmental benefits. This research aims to clarify and propose a direction for the implementation of networks in urban environments
  • Research


    Forest Research is collaborating with several organisations in order to harness this novel DNA approach for a range of applications in which monitoring of forest biodiversity is required.
  • Research

    Borders and Lothians forest habitat network

    Analysis of functional connectivity of woodland and open-ground habitat in the Scottish Borders using the landscape ecology model BEETLE.
  • Research

    Protected Species Research

    Developing practical management guidance through to strategic advice to support forest policy decisions
  • Research

    Woodland structure and birds – effects of woodland management and deer browsing

    This project aims to investigate how habitat quality for woodland birds is affected by woodland management and deer browsing by undertaking a large-scale survey of lowland broadleaved woodland in the UK. This will be complemented by a reference survey of upland conifer woodlands where populations of the target bird species have remained more stable.
  • Research

    Habitats and Rare Priority Protected Species (HaRPPS)

    Decision support tool and Information system for managing Habitats and Rare Priority and Protected Species in British forests
  • Research

    Woodland habitat networks for Wales

    A focal species-based approach to develop and define woodland habitat networks
  • Research

    Grampian forest habitat network

    Identifying key woodland and heathland habitats, extent of riparian and wet (Carr) woodlands, priority open ground habitat and improvement, restoration and expansion priorities
  • Research

    Argyll Islands forest habitat network

    Improving the connectivity of native woodlands, avoiding damaging non-wooded habitats and land uses and targeting land most suitable for woodland establishment