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Themes: Forest Management

179 Search Results

  • Research

    Strathard: a landscape to live, work and play

    This project aims to develop more sustainable and resilient land and water management plans in Strathard by taking an ecosystems approach which considers the wider impacts and benefits of a range of management plans on ecosystem services, the landscape and communities living there.
  • Research

    Woodland creation and soil carbon and nutrient dynamics

    Summary of a range of research projects investigating soil carbon and nutrient stocks and pools and their dynamics, long term change and potential long term sequestration after woodland creation (afforestation).
  • Research

    Forestry and Water Quality

    Research to understand woodland-water interactions to reduce diffuse pollution and improve water quality
  • Research

    Impacts of forest fertilisation on water quality

    This project aims to monitor the effects of aerial and hand forest fertiliser applications on water quality in sensitive water catchments.
  • Research


    Integrated, transferable solutions and policies, to unlock immobile forest resources in Europe.
  • Research

    Conifer Breeding Co-operative

    Co-operative breeding of Sitka spruce to secure planting stock and advancement of the breeding programme.
  • Research

    Red Squirrels United

    Red Squirrels United brings together partners from across the UK to deliver red squirrel conservation. As part of this effort, Forest Research is undertaking a public attitudinal survey to understand levels of awareness of squirrel conservation issues and attitudes towards management methods.
  • Research

    Merchantability of Noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock

    Quantification of volume and wood properties affecting timber production in four minor species in GB.
  • Research

    Characterisation and modelling of moisture movement in wood

    Building a multi-scale computational fluid dynamics model of moisture movement in wood.
  • Research

    Biodiversity and rotation length

    Investigate how to incorporate biodiversity into an optimal rotation length model through literature review and data re-analysis of biodiversity links with stand age.
  • Research

    Woodland and Natural Flood Management

    Review of research, demonstration and monitoring projects, involving the implementation of woodland measures in the context of natural flood management, undertaken in the UK since 2000.
  • Research

    Future Proofing Plant Health

    The Future Proofing Plant Health project aims to provide evidence for the implementation of the GB Plant Biosecurity Strategy. It will focus on strategic areas related to new and emerging pests and diseases (prevention, detection, control, resilience), as well as identifying priority pests, diseases and pathways.