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Themes: Forest Management

171 Search Results

  • Research

    Characterisation and modelling of moisture movement in wood

    Building a multi-scale computational fluid dynamics model of moisture movement in wood.
  • Research

    Woodland and Natural Flood Management

    Review of research, demonstration and monitoring projects, involving the implementation of woodland measures in the context of natural flood management, undertaken in the UK since 2000.
  • Research

    Biodiversity and rotation length

    Investigate how to incorporate biodiversity into an optimal rotation length model through literature review and data re-analysis of biodiversity links with stand age.
  • Research

    Future Proofing Plant Health

    The Future Proofing Plant Health project aims to provide evidence for the implementation of the GB Plant Biosecurity Strategy. It will focus on strategic areas related to new and emerging pests and diseases (prevention, detection, control, resilience), as well as identifying priority pests, diseases and pathways.
  • Research

    Opportunity mapping for targeting grant aid for water benefits

    Brief introduction to the targeting of Countryside Stewardship woodland capital grants in England
  • Research

    Green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum) research

    The project is analysing data on spruce aphid populations from forests managed using different silvicultural systems, to determine whether increasing the structural diversity of forest stands leads to a lower incidence of the pest and a reduction in damage.
  • Research

    Living Ash Project phase I (LAP)

    Matt Parratt Caroline Gorton Richard Whittet
  • Research

    Testing a range of ash species for tolerance to ash dieback

    Testing for tolerance to ash die-back across various ash species.
  • Research

    Shake defects in timber

    A review of known and suspected factors affecting the development of shake defects in native oaks. Produce guidance for growers and policymakers to enable an understanding of why the defect occurs, how to minimise risks in current stands, and how to avoid higher risk sites for new planting.
  • Research

    Forest Diversification

    Exploring the scope to enhance the biodiversity potential, ecosystem functioning and resilience of woodlands through the diversification and conversion of simple production-oriented forest stands.
  • Research

    Regeneration and sustainable silviculture

    Adapting forest regeneration to increase resilience to climate change and biotic threats, whilst maintaining productivity.
  • Research

    Technical Development – Woodland Operations

    Technical Development’s Woodland Operations Programme develops, evaluates and promotes safe and efficient equipment and methods into forestry establishment and maintenance, integrated forest management, environmental management, harvesting and transport and woodfuel