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Refine Results

Publish Date:

1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    Biomass FAQ

    A number of documents answering frequently asked questions about biomass and woodfuel
  • Tools and Resources

    FR Technical Development reports and tools

    Reports on studies undertaken by Forest Research Technical Development on woodfuel related topics
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Apparent consumption of wood in the UK

    Apparent consumption is the amount of timber used as wood and wood products by people and industries in the United Kingdom. It is calculated as total United Kingdom production plus imports, minus exports. Apparent consumption differs from actual consumption by the extent of changes in the level of stocks. It is not practical to collect […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Documents & downloads

    Publications, documents and tools on all aspects of biomass
  • Tools and Resources

    Pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)

    Not present in UK Notifiable – see ’Report a sighting’ below Scientific name – Thaumetopoea pityocampa (T. pityocampa) Pine processionary moth (PPM) larvae, or caterpillars, are a threat to the health of pine (Pinus) and some other conifer tree species, as well as a hazard to human and animal health. (Picture: John Ghent, PPM, like its close relative […]
  • Tools and Resources


    Regulations associated with woodfuel and biomass heating
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Miscellaneous products

    Softwood Data for softwood fencing are obtained from the Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers. Figures for other uses are reported by manufacturers or are estimated by representatives of the wood processing industries. Around 1.6 million green tonnes of UK softwood were estimated to have been used directly for woodfuel (including biomass energy) in 2016, a decrease of […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Softwood round fencing manufacturers

    There were 51 active round fencing manufacturers in 2016 (Table 2.25). Around two thirds of round fencing manufacturers (67%) consumed less than 5 thousand green tonnes of softwood annually. Table 2.25 Number of softwood round fencing manufacturers, 2007-2016. Year Size category (consumption)1    Total   <1 1 – <5 5 – <10 10+   2007 29 28 10 8 75 2008 22 27 11 7 67 2009 22 26 13 7 68 2010 22 24 13 6 65 2011 22 24 10 8 64 2012 22 21 11 7 61 2013 21 22 11 7 61 2014 19 21 10 7 57 2015 16 19 10 6 51 2016 18 16 11 6 51 Source: Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers Notes: 1. Categories are based on total softwood consumption, in […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Roundwood purchased by softwood round fencing manufacturers

    A total of 303 thousand green tonnes of softwood (UK grown and imported) was purchased by softwood fencing manufacturers in 2016 (Table 2.26). This represents a decrease of 4% from the 2015 total of 316 thousand green tonnes. Table 2.26 Total roundwood purchased by softwood round fencing manufacturers, 2007-2016 Year Size category (consumption)1    Total   <1 1 – <5 5 – <10 10+   thousand green […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Inputs for wood-based panel products

    Table 2.22 and Figure 2.4 show the inputs to mills that produce wood-based panels in the UK. The mills used a total of 3.9 million tonnes of material in 2016, unchanged from 2015. The inputs in 2016 comprised 1.2 million green tonnes of roundwood (32%), 1.7 million green tonnes of sawmill products (45%) and 0.8 […]
  • Tools and Resources


    The emissions from burning woodfuel and biomass, and the factors that influence the levels
  • Tools and Resources

    Biomass sustainability

    Why is it that burning biomass can be sustainable?