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1400 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Research

    Carbon turnover in forest and grassland soils – will global warming turn carbon sinks into sources?

    Soil sustainability PhD studentship summary. Eleanor Swain, University of Newcastle, 2008-2011.
  • Research

    SUPERB – Upscaling Forest Restoration

    Forest Research, working with Forestry and Land Scotland, is leading a forest restoration Demo for the EU Horizon2020 “SUPERB” project. This demonstrates conversion to continuous cover forestry, establishment of high-elevation forests, and riparian woodlands with natural flood management measures, and will work with stakeholders to examine potential for upscaling.
  • Publications

    Species diversification – which species should we use?

    Lead Author: Richard Ennos
    This paper stresses that future use of ‘alternative’ species for diversification should be contingent on rigorous biological risk assessment, results from forestry scale trials, and the establishment of sustainable British seed sources.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Nitrogen deficiency in Sitka spruce plantations

    Lead Author: C.M.A Taylor
    On moorland and heathland soils in Great Britain nitrogen deficiency can severely restrict the growth of certain conifer species, including Sitka spruce, the main commercial species. Until the 1970s this was thought to be due solely to competition from heather and was commonly known as ‘heather check’. However, increased planting of Sitka spruce on very […]
  • Publications

    Novel dendrochronological modelling demonstrates that decades of reduced stem growth predispose trees to Acute Oak Decline

    Lead Author: Katy Reed
    • Novel dendrochronological modelling was developed to explore oak stem growth trends. • Trees with long-term AOD symptoms may have been predisposed many decades earlier. • Diseased trees struggle to take advantage of favourable growing conditions. • Historic episodes of stress may impact the future resilience of oaks to disturbance.
  • Publications

    A sequential multi-level framework to improve habitat suitability modelling

    Lead Author: Chloe Bellamy
    We provide a sequential framework for improved multi-scale habitat suitability modelling or species distribution modelling. We apply it to the lesser horseshoe bat in Britain to demonstrate its improved accuracy and ecological inference.
  • Research

    Mapping the Social Benefits of Woodland Creation and Expansion

    This research aims to outline what would be needed and what the benefits would be in establishing a longitudinal research network of new planting sites with communities in different locations to monitor the social benefits, attitudes, actions, motivations and barriers associated with this planting over time.
  • Research

    Assessing public and stakeholder attitudes to pine martens

    Forest Research is undertaking attitudinal research with stakeholders and the public to understand levels of awareness about pine marten ecology, and perspectives around a potential re-introduction.
  • Research

    Behaviour of private landowners and managers

    Research into private landowner decision-making, culture and their attitudes towards forestry.
  • Research

    Mechanical properties of naturally-regenerated Sitka spruce

    An investigation into the wood properties and timber potential of naturally-regenerated Sitka spruce; whether left un-thinned or re-spaced to various stocking densities.
  • Service

    Soil Advice

    Our soil surveyors/foresters and scientists provide bespoke advice on practical soil management for the sustainable, healthy growth of diverse tree species and woodlands. Service overview Forest Research soils experts have worked on projects to help forest managers, owners, regulators and policy-makers to develop practical, evidence-based methods for sustainable soil management throughout the UK. Soils are a fundamental contributor […]
  • Publications

    Comparison of the carbon, water, and energy balances of mature stand and clear-fell stages in a British Sitka spruce forest and the impact of the 2018 drought

    Lead Author: Georgios Xenakis
    Sitka spruce is the major conifer species in British upland forests and is predominantly managed as even-aged, single-species plantations with rotation lengths of less than 50 years using a “patch clear-felling” system. Evidence on the impact of clear-felling on the carbon, water and energy balances of plantation forestry is sparse and extreme weather events, such […]