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Refine Results

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1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    Woodfuel production and supply

    Forests and woodlands are the most obvious sources of woodfuel. These pages give guidance on how to produce woodfuel from forest products and by-products.
  • Tools and Resources

    Effect of moisture content

    Moisture content in woodfuel can have a number of different effects
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Conversion factors

    Conversion factors between cubic metres and green tonnes The following factors have been used in Chapter 2 (Timber) to convert between cubic metres (m3) and green tonnes: The diagram shows separate conversion factors to use when converting softwood (SW) and hardwood (HW) with arrows to indicate the direction of conversion. For example, to convert 1,000 green tonnes […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Tree canopy cover leaflet

    Using tree canopy cover data to secure the benefits of the urban forest
  • Tools and Resources

    Economic benefits of woodland management

    Well managed woodland offers many benefits, including economic benefits
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Comparison of removals and deliveries of UK softwood roundwood

    Comparison of removals and deliveries of UK softwood roundwood The table below provides a comparison between the figures for removals (obtained from Forestry Commission, Natural Resources Wales, Forest Service and Private Sector Removals Survey) and deliveries (obtained from industry surveys and trade associations) of UK softwood roundwood. The estimated total for softwood removals in the UK in […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Finance & prices

    Introduction The statistics presented in the Finance and Prices chapter of this release cover: timber prices; financial returns from forestry investment; gross value added (GVA); government expenditure on forestry; and grant schemes. Figures on financial returns from forestry are produced by another organisation; they are not designated as National Statistics, but are provided to give additional context.         Data Sources and Methodology Timber Price […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Woodfuel and pellets

    Woodfuel and pellets Introduction Data on woodfuel have been obtained from the following sources: Sawmill survey and survey of round fencing manufacturers; Private sector softwood removals survey and woodfuel suppliers; Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics estimates. Estimates of the quantity of recycled wood used for woodfuel are produced by the Wood Recyclers’ Association ( Data on UK pellet production and […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – International Forestry

    Introduction The statistics presented in the International Forestry chapter of this release cover: woodland area; carbon stocks; wood removals; production and apparent consumption of wood products; and trade in forest products.       Data sources and methodology International data on forest area and carbon stocks are obtained from the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2015 (, compiled by the United Nations Food and Agriculture […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Trade

    Introduction Statistics on imports and exports are based on the published overseas trade statistics for intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade produced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and available at Data on apparent consumption is derived as UK production plus imports less exports.        Data Sources and Methodology The data obtained from HMRC cover quantities (weights and volumes) […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Tables for download

    Copies of all of the tables in Forestry Statistics 2017 are available to download as Excel spreadsheets: Chapter 1 – Woodland Areas and Planting Chapter 2 – UK-Grown Timber Chapter 3 – Trade Chapter 4 – UK Forests and Climate Change Chapter 5 – Environment Chapter 6 – Recreation Chapter 7 – Employment & Businesses Chapter 8 – Finance & Prices Chapter 9 – […]
  • Tools and Resources

    2017 – Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers

    Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers Introduction The Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers is an annual survey conducted by the Forestry Commission (in association with the Forest Service) of round fencing manufacturers (or mills) in the UK that are believed to consume UK-grown roundwood. The survey, which previously covered mills in Great Britain only, was extended in 2004 to […]