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1812 Search Results for Research

  • Tools and Resources

    Sweet chestnut blight – discoveries in Europe

    Sweet chestnut blight – discoveries in Europe Country First report of chestnut blight Albania 1967 Austria 1970 Belgium 1970s Bosnia-Herzegovina 1961 Bulgaria 1990s Croatia 1955 Czech Republic 2002 France 1965 Germany 1992 Greece 1963 Hungary 1969 Italy 1938 Poland 1990s Portugal 1989 Macedonia 1974 Romania 1984 Slovakia 1976 Slovenia 1950 Spain 1947 Switzerland 1948 Turkey 1968 Last updated: 11th July 2017 Back to main sweet chestnut blight tools and resources information page
  • Tools and Resources

    The UK Forestry Standard and voluntary independent forest certification

    The UK Forestry Standard plays an important role in defining requirements for independent certification in the UK.
  • Tools and Resources

    2019 – Certified woodland area

    Certified woodland in the UK has been independently audited against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. Forestry certification schemes are owned by international non-governmental organisations and exist to promote good forest practice. They offer product labels to demonstrate that wood or wood products come from well-managed forests. Figures for certified woodland areas are often used as an […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Field identification guide for Carcelia iliaca

    How to identify the OPM parasitoid Carcelia iliaca
  • Tools and Resources

    Chalara manual – 2. Managing ash trees and woodland, including logs and firewood

    1. Principles The principles underlying the guidance presented below are: maintaining, where possible, the values and benefits associated with ash woodlands and iconic trees; securing an economic return where timber production is an important objective; maintaining as much genetic diversity in ash trees as possible with the aim of ensuring the presence of ash in the long term; and minimising impacts […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora manual – 10. Treatment of sawn wood with residual bark

    Explanation of treatments required for sawn wood with residual bark still attached which has been cut from trees affected by Phytophthora ramorum or Phytophthora kernovii disease
  • Tools and Resources

    Wood production

    Wood production Sources Figures on UK wood production (or removals) are compiled from a variety of sources: Forestry Commission (FC), Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Forest Service (FS) administrative records – for all removals from FC/NRW/FS woodlands; the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey – for softwood removals from private sector woodlands and statistics on deliveries – for total hardwood removals. The […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Summary: wood production

    It is estimated that a total of 11.7 million green tonnes of roundwood was removed from UK woodlands in 2017.   Softwood accounted for most (94%) removals from UK woodland and totalled 10.9 million green tonnes in 2017 (Table 2.1).  This represented a 2% increase on the previous year’s figure.   Hardwood removals totalled 0.7 million green […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Chalara manual – 3. Pictures

    The tiny white Hymenoscyphus fraxineus fruiting bodies on the rachises (stalks) of the previous year’s fallen leaves from an infected ash tree. These mushroom-like fruiting bodies develop and burst open in summer, releasing thousands of spores into the air. The spores can be blown by the wind on to the leaves and bark of healthy […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora manual – 4. Tree felling licences for sites affected by phytophthora diseases

    Guidance to the tree felling licences required by the forestry authorities in the United Kingdom when felling trees, especially larch trees, infected by Phytophthora diseases, especially Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernovii (previously P. kernoviae)
  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora manual – 9. Licences to move and process wood from trees with ramorum disease

    Explanation of the system for licensing hauliers and wood processors in the United Kingdom (UK) to move and handle wood and timber from forests affected by Phytophthora diseases, to minimise disease spread
  • Tools and Resources

    Phytophthora manual – 6. Managing the risk from Heterobasidion annosum fungus on felled larch sites

    Advice on preventative measures recommended to prevent infection by Heterobasidion annosum fungus on forest sites where trees have been felled to control phytophthora diseases, especially Phtyophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernovii (previously P. kernoviae) in the United Kingdom