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218 Search Results for Measuring, modelling and forecasting

  • Publications

    [Archive] Standard time tables and output guides

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The demand from private forestry for guidance on payment of workers has increased enormously over the past few years and to meet these needs, the Forestry Commission has decided to publish current tables in the form of a Booklet every few years.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Volume tables for smallwood and round pitwood

    Lead Author: G.J. Hamilton
    The tables contained in this booklet are designed to provide estimates of volume from length and top diameter measurements. The length and top diameter specifications of pitwood are unique, and require tables specially designed to cater for these specifications. The smallwood tables provide volumes of small diameter roundwood, other than pitwood, where conventional length and […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Code of sample plot procedure

    Lead Author: F.C. Hummel
    The systematic measurement of sample plots in stands of growing timber provides the data for the compilation of yield tables and other estimates of increment which are essential to the economic management of woodlands. In order that such measurements shall be strictly comparable, both as between one sample plot and another, and within the same […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The volume-basal area line: a study in forest mensuration

    Lead Author: F.C. Hummel
    This bulletin is a study in forest mensuration which has arisen out of investigations into the timber content of British woodlands. It deals primarily with the relationship that exists between the volume of a tree and its sectional area at breast height; a relationship here called, for convenience, the volume-basal area line. Studies of this […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Mid-diameter volume tables (third edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Field Book provides tables for estimating the volume of logs using the traditional mid-diameter method. Although it is a very accurate method, it becomes less accurate as the length increases. The volume is derived from the product of the length of the log and its mean cross-sectional area. In practice it is the diameter […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Timber measurement for standing sales using tariff tables

    Lead Author: G.J. Hamilton
    The methods of measurement described in this Booklet are intended to be used primarily in connection with the sale of standing timber. The procedures described involve the use of tariff tables which have been used for this purpose by the Forestry Commission since 1956. The tariff system of measurement has subsequently proved efficient and reliable, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest mensuration handbook

    Lead Author: G.J. Hamilton
    Measurement of timber is required for several purposes. The most obvious of these, perhaps, is the need to quantify forest produce for sale. Measurement of timber is also required in management, notably for planning purposes and for control of resources. This publication is intended to provide the information necessary to meet the needs of measurement […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Top diameter sawlog tables

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Field Book describes the top diameter method for estimating the volume of logs which is usually confined to softwood sawlogs. This method is less time consuming and so cheaper than the more traditional mid-diameter method and is best suited to batches of uniform length logs. The description of logs in terms of top diameter […]
  • Service

    Habitat Network Analysis Service

    Forest Research are the leading UK research organisation on the development of spatial analysis techniques for habitat networks and have an excellent  track record of working with and delivering tailored habitat network analyses. What are habitat networks, and why are they important? Habitat networks are configurations of habitat that allows species to move and disperse through a landscape […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Habitat fragmentation – Practical considerations

    Issues and practical considerations of habitat fragmentation caused by the provision of urban greenspace
  • Service

    How to select what analysis you need

    Our research-focused chemical analysis laboratory provides soil, water, plant and foliage (leaf) testing to support a wide range of agricultural and forest-related activities. Environmental monitoring Plant, soil and water analyses are key to any environmental or site monitoring exercise, whether for regulatory or research purposes. We can provide a basic laboratory testing service, or work with you […]
  • Publications

    Publications on climate change mitigation

    Forest carbon dynamics publications