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1399 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Publications

    Managing woodland access and forest operations in Scotland

    Lead Author: James Ogilvie
    Forests and woodlands bring wide-ranging and diverse benefits to people in Scotland. They are ideal places for people of all ages to participate in leisure, recreation and sports. However, forests are also workplaces. Forestry is an important part of the rural economy, and the production of timber provides revenue for landowners and jobs for the […]
  • Publications

    Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    Our climate is changing rapidly, with milder, wetter winters, warmer summers, longer growing seasons and more frequent extreme conditions, including drought periods and heavy rainfall events. The projected rate of climate change is unprecedented and therefore action is essential now to improve the resilience of forests and woodlands, and to protect the benefits that they […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The management of red deer in upland forests

    Lead Author: P.R. Ratcliffe
    This Bulletin is primarily concerned with the management of resident populations of red deer in commercial forests, and gives practical prescriptions for deer management based upon sound data collection and scientific method. All such prescriptions must be aimed at particular, well-defined deer populations occupying discrete ranges. There is an important emphasis throughout upon predictive management, […]
  • Events
  • Publications

    Forests and carbon: valuation, discounting and risk management

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Carbon valuation, discounting and risk management are important in ensuring that effective incentives are put in place to tackle climate change, and in comparing the relative merits of climate mitigation activities over time. Approaches applied in different contexts, including in relation to permanence issues, are reviewed in order to help inform development by the Forestry […]
  • Publications

    Managing forests in acid sensitive water catchments

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Atmospheric pollution in the form of acid deposition has been dramatically reduced since international controls on emissions were introduced in the 1980s. However, acidification still affects acid-sensitive regions of the UK, damaging fisheries and causing adverse ecological changes in freshwaters. Forestry is known to influence the degree of acidification, principally due to the ability of […]
  • Publications

    Publications on integrated management of forestry operations

    Publications about integrated management issues relevant across a wide range of forest opertaions with recommendations and best practice guidance
  • Climate News
  • Events
  • Research

    Enhancing Integrated Pest Management in Forestry

    How do we manage insect pests in forestry? This PhD project aims to evaluate current science and practise and develop and test new and improved methods in order to enhance integrated pest management in the industry.
  • Publications

    Designing and managing forests and woodlands to reduce flood risk

    Flooding is a major environmental hazard facing the UK and one that is expected to increase with climate change. Societal impacts and economic damages are likely to escalate, with major floods already costing multiple £billion. These concerns are driving a more sustainable approach to flood risk management involving greater working with natural processes to slow […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Grazing as a management tool in European forest ecosystems

    Lead Author: Jonathan Humphrey
    Nine papers presented at a workshop funded as part of an EU concerted action programme, aimed at reviewing information on the impact of grazing animals on forest ecosystems, identifying management problems, and determining priority areas for research. There is need for better integration of ecological and economic objectives in forest ecosystems; large herbivores can be […]