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Research Groups: Society And Environment Research Group Serg

169 Search Results

  • Research

    Valuing mental health benefits of forests

    This research examines approaches to valuation of the mental health benefits of forests and proposes how monetary valuation of these benefits can be developed further. It examines metrics to quantify mental health impacts, methodologies to value changes in these and potential for incorporating associated values into natural capital accounting
  • Research

    Assessment of large-scale plant biosecurity risks to Scotland

    This research aims to better understand potential large-scale threats to plant biosecurity in Scotland. We are exploring the risks posed by i) non-specialist and online horticultural sales, ii) large-scale plantings for landscaping and infrastructure projects, and iii) large-scale tree plantings for environmental benefits.
  • Research

    Attitudes to Woodland Expansion in Southern Scotland

    A review of the methods available for eliciting local attitudes to woodland expansion (or other land use change), and findings from an attitudinal study in Southern Scotland.
  • Research
  • Research

    Co-designing tree health policy options with land managers

    Co-design of tree health policy options with land managers for resilient treescapes post EU-Exit as part of Future Farming and Countryside Programme (FFC).
  • Research

    Nature based vocational training leading to human wellbeing in Skåne, Sweden

    The Nature Integration Programme facilitates sustainable integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants into society. Many of these groups have been taken in by Sweden in recent years.
  • Research

    Tributes to Trees

    By analysing submissions to the Tributes to Trees website, Forest Research found that people express emotional and sensory experiences from their connections with trees, woodlands and forests, and these are inextricably linked to different places, people and activities
  • Research

    Valuing tree and forest ecosystem services

    Our research explores the value of different tree and forest ecosystem services and uses innovative methods to identify and capture those values
  • Research

    Valuing and governing tree and forest ecosystem services

    This research provides new insights into how to recognise and understand the value of ecosystem services provided by trees and forests.
  • Research

    Biosecurity engagement with hikers at Rowardennan in Scotland

    Following the discovery of Phytophthora ramorum close to Rowardennan in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Forest Research was commissioned to carry out questionnaires with hikers in the area to investigate their awareness of and engagement with the topic of tree pests and diseases, and biosecurity.
  • Research

    Resilience – Future Proofing Plant Health

    What is tree resilience, and how can we support better management for tree health in the face of climate change and pests and diseases?
  • Research

    Delivering Resilient Forests

    Resilient forests are important if our trees are to cope better with changing environmental conditions and threats from pests and diseases. This page provides information on the publications produced as part of Forest Research's 'Delivering Resilient Forests' programme of research.