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Themes: Forest Management

179 Search Results

  • Research

    The first 50 years of Tree Breeding in Britain – Nomenclature and locations

    There have been a number of changes of nomenclature and location during the 50 years of tree improvement within the Forestry Commission and Forest Research: Bush Nursery, Roslin 1956-96 Newton Nursery, Elgin 1963-96 Fort Augustus 1971-77 Grizedale, Lake District 1951-71 Westonbirt Arboretum, Glos. 1965-88 Shobdon, Herefordshire 1985-96 Research branch name The Genetics Section of the Forestry Commission Research Division was established...
  • Research

    The origins of shake and drought crack in trees

    The soil conditions experienced by a growing tree are reproduced under controlled conditions. Fluid distributions with the tree are visualised using magnetic resonance imaging in order to identify stresses and determine if these are linked to drought cracking and shake.
  • Research

    The use of Ecoplugs for woody weed control

    Ecoplugs containing glyphosate can be an effective means of killing standing trees, and preventing regrowth from cut rhododendron stumps.
  • Research

    Valuation of Welsh Forest Resources

    This study estimates using a natural capital accounting approach the value of five ecosystem goods and services provided by woodlands in Wales: standing timber, timber extraction, carbon sequestration, recreation and air quality improvement.
  • Research

    Economics of risk and tipping points: approaches to valuing forest resilience

    A review of economic approaches to risk and uncertainty, tipping points and resilience in forestry. A conceptual framework for the resilience valuation and its interaction with risk is proposed
  • Research

    Developing multi-stand / CCF version of optimal rotation length prototype model

    Explores optimal management in a multi-stand / Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) setting and various ecosystem services and benefits provided by complex forests.
  • Research

    Control of Gaultheria shallon

    Gaultheria shallon can be effectively controlled by the herbicides picloram, triclopyr or glyphosate if they are applied at the correct time of year.
  • Research


    Neurostresspep explores the use of insect neuropeptide hormones for controlling pest insects; Forest Research is investigating whether these naturally occurring compounds can be used in forest management to reduce damage by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis).
  • Research

    Assessing public and stakeholder attitudes to pine martens

    Forest Research is undertaking attitudinal research with stakeholders and the public to understand levels of awareness about pine marten ecology, and perspectives around a potential re-introduction.
  • Research

    PRotect Oak Ecosystems (PuRpOsE)

    This project is providing understanding of the current and future health threats to native oaks in the UK. It is focussing on Acute Oak Decline (AOD).
  • Research

    Sitka spruced

    A collaboration between Forest Research, Oxford University and Roslin Institute (University of Edinburgh) which will use DNA-marker technology to identify at a very early age those Sitka spruce trees which will have outstanding growth rate and timber quality when felled 30-years later
  • Research

    SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

    We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.