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Themes: Climate Change

126 Search Results

  • Publications

    Assessing the investment returns from timber and carbon in woodland creation projects

    Lead Author: Richard Haw
    Financial returns from woodland creation have traditionally been generated from sales of timber. In recent years, the voluntary carbon market has established and grown in the UK and landowners can now generate additional revenue from the sale of carbon. The sale of carbon ‘credits’ allows landowners to increase their financial returns by creating woodlands for […]
  • Publications
  • Publications

    Forest disturbances under climate change

    Lead Author: Rupert Seidl
    Disturbances such as droughts, wind and insects attacks all result in stress for forests and they are influenced by changing climate. Forests cover about a third of worldwide land surface, but knowledge is still lacking about how these types of disruptions interact with one another given global climate change. Now, for the first time, an international […]
  • Publications

    What do Forest Managers want to know about adaptation?

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    Research exploring what forest managers want to know about climate change adaptation. Adaptation to climate change involves adjusting Forest Management to anticipate future changes. Starting to adapt woodland and forests to the changing climate now is important if owners and society wish to continue to benefit from the range of services they provide, capitalise on opportunities […]
  • Publications

    Growth rates of common urban trees in five cities in Great Britain: A dendrochronological evaluation with an emphasis on the impact of climate

    Lead Author: Madalena Vaz Monteiro
    Trees in cities provide important benefits (or ecosystem services), such as decreased local air temperatures, reduced air pollution and the attenuation of storm water. The range and volume of the benefits provided depends on the size of the trees and their canopy. While city locations can be good places for trees to grow, […]
  • Publications

    New climate change information modifies frames and decisions of decision makers: an exploratory study in forest planning

    Lead Author: Michal Petr
    This paper explores how information about climate change and its impacts on the provision of forest products and services, influences forest planners’ decisions about forest management. It explains that research has found that when this information was presented to forest planners, it resulted in forest management actions being planned to occur at more appropriate […]
  • Publications

    Forestry trials of compost & AD in Central Scotland

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Forestry Commission Report 2016. Results of forestry reclamation trials Central Scotland using green compost and fibre anaerobic digestate. Contact Bill Jones. What’s of interest These publications were produced by Technical Development. Some (mainly older) publications are not available online. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact Bill Jones.
  • Publications

    The influence of climate change on forest insect pests in Britain

    Lead Author: David Wainhouse
    Predicting future risks of damage by insect pests is an important aspect of forest management. Climate change has the potential to affect forest pests and their impact on trees through higher temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events. Warmer temperatures are likely to have complex effects on insects, influencing, among other things, […]
  • Publications

    No seed zone effects on the survival, growth, and stem form of Pacific silver fir in Britain

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    Long-term research finds Pacific silver fir has great potential as a forestry species in Britain With our climate changing and an increasing range of pests and diseases affecting trees in Britain, it is important forest managers diversify the tree species they plant and use a wider range of forest management systems (e.g. continuous cover forestry). Pacific silver […]
  • Publications

    Climate change adaptation strategies in a fragmented landscape

    Lead Author: Nicholas Synes
    A multi-species modelling approach to examine the impact of alternative climate change adaptation strategies on range shifting ability in a fragmented landscape This paper describes research to test the effects of varying ‘climate change adaptation strategies’ on the ability of different animals to move through the landscape in response to changing climatic conditions. The adaptation strategies […]
  • Publications

    Adapting Scotland’s forests to climate change using an action expiration chart

    Lead Author: Michal Petr
    New decision-making tool helps ecosystem services to adapt to the potential impact of climate change on Scottish forests In a paper published in Environmental Research Letters Michal Petr and colleagues investigate the impacts of future climate change on forest ecosystem services in Scotland and describe a new approach to supporting adaptation decisions in forestry. To sustain forests […]
  • Publications

    Thinning control (2015)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Field Guide provides guidance on the control of volume to be removed when marking a thinning and a guide to thinning yields. There are four sections: the first describes the yield class system and how yield class is assessed in a stand. The second covers thinning practice, including the type, intensity and cycle of […]