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1400 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Publications

    [Archive] Fifty years of forestry research

    Lead Author: R.F. Wood
    This is an account of research work undertaken or supported by the Forestry Commission during the first fifty years of its life.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Poplars 1952

    Lead Author: T. R. Peace
    This Bulletin endeavours to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of poplar cultivation. The choice of varieties is bewildering, and is becoming rapidly more so as new hybrids are produced.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Studies of certain Scottish moorlands in relation to tree growth

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This bulletin is an account of investigations conducted during a number of years by Dr. G. K. Fraser, of the Department of Forestry, Aberdeen University, into the establishment of timber crops on peat soils in Scotland and particularly under west coast conditions as illustrated at Inverliever on Loch Awe. The investigations recorded in this bulletin […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing small woodlands

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Small woodlands, of various types, scattered widely over the countryside are a major feature of the landscape and form valuable assets for timber production, wildlife and game conservation. The purpose of this Booklet is to provide the basic information for the establishment and management of small woods emphasising ways and means of modifying forestry practice […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The landscape of forests and woods

    Lead Author: Sylvia Crowe
    This booklet is an extensive revision of Booklet 18 Forestry in the landscape published in 1966. The author has unique experience of landscaping British forests over many years, and her opinions on landscape design principles, which should be applied in forestry to obtain a satisfactory balance between beauty and function in the landscape, are admirably […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] History of Cynwyd forest 1927 – 1951

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    A history of Cynwyd forest containing a general description of the forest, silviculture, and appendices.
  • Publications

    How does a biodiversity value impact upon optimal rotation length? An investigation using species richness and forest stand age

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    A study integrating biodiversity data for British forests with economic modelling of optimal rotation length. Investigation revealed some evidence of relationships between overall species richness and stand age.
  • Research

    Exploring changes in ecosystem services under varying scenarios

    Exploration of the resilience of woodlands to future change by assessing how ecosystem service values and natural capital stocks of woodlands may be affected by change through the application of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA) scenarios and different management approaches, e.g. forest diversification through the application of forest management alternatives
  • Research

    Modelling mixed-age and mixed species stands

    Developing flexible models of individual tree and stand growth for use in British forestry
  • Tools and Resources

    Large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis)

    Present in United Kingdom Notifiable – No Scientific name – Hylobius abietis (H. abietis) The large pine weevil (above), also known as the large brown pine weevil, is, despite its name, an insect pest of many species of young trees in addition to pine trees (in the genus, Pinus). It is a particular problem in the UK and […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of treeshelters: 1992 survey

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    The correct use of treeshelters is important to ensure successful and rapid early establishment of young trees. Almost 200 sites were surveyed with the object of comparing actual usage of treeshelters with the recommendations (see FC Handbook 7). Effective weed control is essential with use of treeshelters. Height of treeshelters must take into account the […]
  • Publications

    Export certification

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Pests and diseases can be carried on plants and trees, seeds, wood and wood products including wooden packaging material and isolated bark. They may also be carried on vehicles and machinery where they have not been properly cleaned and are carrying soil or plant debris. If you intend to export such material out of Great […]