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1400 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Publications

    [Archive] The landscape of forests and woods

    Lead Author: Sylvia Crowe
    This booklet is an extensive revision of Booklet 18 Forestry in the landscape published in 1966. The author has unique experience of landscaping British forests over many years, and her opinions on landscape design principles, which should be applied in forestry to obtain a satisfactory balance between beauty and function in the landscape, are admirably […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry practice 1991

    Lead Author: B.G. Hibberd
    Forestry Practice has become the standard textbook for forestry students, forest and woodland growers, owners, managers and planners in Great Britain. This latest edition takes into account the considerable advances and changes in silviculture during the five years since the last edition. This includes a completely new chapter devoted to planning for second rotation plantations […]
  • Publications

    An easy guide to forest trees and their uses (Gaelic version)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Iùl beag air craobhan choilltean Is mar a chleachdas iadGheibhear san iùl bheag seo fiosrachadh air na diofar chraobhan a lorgas ann an coilltean is air fearann-coillteach ann am Breatainn. Innsidh e mar a dh’aithnichear diofar ghnèithean cumanta agus cho cudromach ‘s a tha iad ann am beatha-làitheil dhaoine. This Guide lets you find out more […]
  • Publications

    Smell of the rosin noise of the saw

    This is the story of forestry in and around Knapdale and Lochaweside, based on the memory of those who lived and work in forestry, knitted together from personal recollections.
  • Publications

    Scotland’s trees, woods and forests

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet is written for anyone and everyone with an interest in Scotland’s trees, woods and forests.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Poplars 1923

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    In this bulletin an attempt is made to indicate which kinds of poplar it is advisable to cultivate and how they should be planted and treated with a view to the economic production of timber.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The timbers of farm woodland trees

    Lead Author: J.D. Brazier
    Farmers are being encouraged to grow trees on surplus agricultural land as part of government policy effected through the Farm Woodland Scheme. The efficient production of timber is profitable, providing raw material for industry, yet it does not preclude other important objectives such as landscape design, amenity considerations, game management and wildlife conservation. The production […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Taxation of woodlands

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Bulletin explains the taxation of woodlands for the benefit of woodland occupiers (and their advisers). Part 1 deals with income tax and corporation tax following the major changes to the taxation of commercial woodlands made by the Finance Act 1988. Part 2 deals with the application of capital gains tax to disposals of woodlands. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifers (3rd edition)

    Lead Author: Alan F. Mitchell
    Alan Mitchell’s fascinating guide to conifers features 40 types: two natives, the rest brought to Britain over the years.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Aids to working conifer thinnings

    Lead Author: S. Forrester
    This booklet is intended as a guide to some items of equipment which may not be widely known, and particularly to some which have been developed only in the past few years. The purpose of these tools is mainly to make work easier — reducing the effort involved or making operations quicker. Many are intended […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A key to eucalypts in Britain and Ireland

    Lead Author: J. Evans
    This Booklet describes the species named in an Arboriculture Research Note on eucalypts in Britain by Evans (1980) plus a few others, and the principal species grown in Ireland referred to by Mooney (1960). The most successful species are from areas of temperate climate in Australia and are relatively frost tolerant. The characters used are […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry in the landscape

    Lead Author: Sylvia Crowe
    This booklet, written by Sylvia Crowe, draws largely on the impressions gained from her numerous and extensive visits to forests and woodlands in England, Scotland and Wales during the period when she was the Forestry Commission’s consultant. But the importance of the views expressed stems from Sylvia Crowe’s lifetime of experience, her constructive thought on […]