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363 Search Results for forests and soil

  • Publications

    Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive

    Lead Author: Samantha Broadmeadow
    Map-based case study to assess how woodland creation could be better targeted within catchments to locations where it would contribute most to maximising water and other benefits, while minimising risks. By Samantha Broadmeadow, Tom Nisbet, Martyn Silgram & Katrina Morrow. Final report to the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission England, May 2009. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability
  • Tools and Resources

    Soil resources

    Resources relevant to Forests and Soil. General The natural choice: securing the value of nature (2011). HM Government. Safeguarding our soils: a strategy for England (2009). Defra, London. Contacts Forestry Forestry Commission – Scottish Forestry – Natural Resources Wales – Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland – Soil Environment Agency – Scottish Environment Protection Agency – Natural Resources Wales […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Report on Forest Research for the year ending March 1951

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The report of Forest Research for the year ending March 1951. The report includes: Introduction Summary of the year’s work Part 1: Work carried out by the Forestry Commission staff: – Forest tree seed investigations – Experimental work in nurseries – Natural regeneration of scots pine woods in the highlands – Position of planting on ploughed heathland – Provenance studies – Work on afforestation […]
  • Publications

    Guide to using woodland for sediment control

    Lead Author: Tom Nisbet
    This guide describes the catchment approach that is being developed by a partnership of organisations in Cumbria in northwest England to control sediment inputs to Bassenthwaite Lake. It sets out the steps taken to identify the main sources of sediment and explores how woodland could help to alleviate the problem. By: By Tom Nisbet, Samantha Broadmeadow […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Report on Forest Research for the year ending March 1953

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The report of Forest Research for the year ending March 1953. The report includes: Introduction Summary of the year’s work Part i: Work carried out by Forestry Commission staff -Forest tree seed investigations -Experimental work in nurseries -Silvicultural investigations in the forest –Rhododendron ponticum in British woodlands -Survey of tree growth on colliery spoil heaps -Investigations into damage by the gale of January 31st […]
  • Publications

    Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland

    Lead Author: Dr Rachel Helliwell
    Report assessing the long term role of forestry in relation to the acidification and recovery of soil and surface water. It targets some of the most acid impacted head waters in the Galloway region of southwest Scotland, including three sub-catchments in the Black Water of Dee (Dargall Lane, Green Burn and Cuttie Shallow); Cardoon Burn […]
  • Research

    Forestry profession and change in silviculture practice

    Studies are looking at the new demands on foresters as the profession grapples with the complexities and uncertainties of climate change
  • Research

    Assessing the resilience of UK forests to extreme climatic events

    This project aims to quantify the historic impact and legacy of extreme climatic events on UK forests using tree-ring chronologies, climate and soil data. It focuses on species of major importance to UK forestry in order to provide the information basis for building adaptive capacity into future forest planning and decision-making.
  • Research

    Large scale diversity and distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi

    A multi-partner Europe wide transdisciplinary project to understand the large-scale diversity and distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi across Europe, taking into account long-term monitoring of environment, climate, soil and geographical variables.
  • Publications

    The carbon balances of two contrasting forest stands growing in the UK

    Lead Author: M. Wilkinson
    This Research Note summarises recent research on the carbon balances of two forest stands: an upland Sitka spruce plantation in Harwood Forest in the northeast of England, and a lowland deciduous oak plantation in Alice Holt Forest in southeast England.
  • Service

    Soil Advice

    Our soil surveyors/foresters and scientists provide bespoke advice on practical soil management for the sustainable, healthy growth of diverse tree species and woodlands. Service overview Forest Research soils experts have worked on projects to help forest managers, owners, regulators and policy-makers to develop practical, evidence-based methods for sustainable soil management throughout the UK. Soils are a fundamental contributor […]
  • Research

    Centre of Excellence for Brownfield Regeneration

    Forestry Commission Centre of Excellence for brownfield regeneration to woodland and open green space