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1399 Search Results for Forest Management

  • Tools and Resources

    Resources on managing resilient forests

    this page summarises resources and guidance on managing resilient forests
  • Publications

    Managing open habitats in upland forests

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The proportion of open space in many forests and woodlands is increasing as forest management plans are implemented and forests are restructured. Landowners and forest managers are increasingly being encouraged to manage this ground for biodiversity objectives but in some situations the management of open ground may be more complex and challenging than the management […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Management of forests for capercaillie in Scotland

    Lead Author: Robert Moss
    The aim of this Bulletin is to summarise the best current information about the birds’ requirements and to provide guidelines for forest management which will benefit capercaillie. As far as possible, we base our recommendations on well-documented facts. Where hard data are not available, we make informed guesses based on anecdotal natural history and casual […]
  • Publications

    Land managers behaviour and forest resilience

    Landowners and managers are being urged to change their behaviours and practice to increase forest resilience, this research describes some of the barriers to change including the different attitudes and beliefs of different kinds of land managers around uncertainty and risk, and the need for information and guidance which takes these perspectives into account.
  • Tools and Resources

    FC publications on managing resilient forests

    Forestry Commission publications on resilient forests
  • Publications

    Managing forests for white-tailed eagles

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    White-tailed eagles (sea eagles) were re-introduced to Scotland from the 1970s and there are now over 50 breeding pairs. They frequently nest and roost in woodlands and tend to use habitual nest sites. The species has a high degree of legal protection, and woodland managers need to plan operations carefully to avoid disturbing the birds […]
  • Publications

    Managing forests as red squirrel strongholds

    Stronghold forests are large areas of coniferous and mixed forest identified as having the potential to sustain resilient and healthy populations of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) over the long-term.
  • Research

    Forestry and Natural Flood Management

    Current research into the role of forestry in natural flood management
  • Research

    Transnational forestry management (ForeStClim)

    This page summarises the main findings and recommendations of the ‘Transnational Forestry Management Strategies in Response to Regional Climate Change Impacts’ (ForeStClim) project, funded by the EU Interreg IVB North West Europe (NEW) programme.
  • Publications

    Managing forest operations to protect the water environment

    This Practice Guide provides advice to forest managers, practitioners, planners and supervisors, on how forest operations should be planned and managed to protect the water environment.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forests and wind: management to minimise damage

    Lead Author: Chris Quine
    Wind damage is a serious threat to managed forests because it results in loss of timber yield, landscape quality and wildlife habitat. The most common form of wind damage in Britain is windthrow in which both stem and roots overturn. Prediction and prevention of wind damage have been important elements of forest management, and the […]
  • Research

    Integrated forest vegetation management – Direct seeding

    Potential means of creating new broadleaved woodlands