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Themes: Tree Breeding

237 Search Results

  • Publications

    Wood properties and uses of Sitka spruce in Britain

    Lead Author: John Moore
    Sitka spruce is the main conifer species grown in Great Britain and the commercial wood products’ industry is primarily based on this species. Wood from Sitka spruce is sawn into timber for use in construction, pallets/packaging and fencing, and is also used in the production of paper and panel products. Research into the wood properties […]
  • Publications

    External timber cladding: design, installation and performance

    Lead Author: Ivor Davies
    This publication is the result of extensive research, testing and detail development and provides the reader with evidence based information on the use of external timber cladding and how to respond to the contradictory demands of moisture control and fire…
  • Publications

    Respacing naturally regenerating Sitka spruce and other conifers

    Lead Author: W L Mason
    Dense natural regeneration of Sitka spruce and other conifers is an increasingly common feature of both recently clearfelled sites and stands managed under continuous cover forestry in upland forests of the British Isles. This regeneration can be managed by combining natural self-thinning in the early stages of stand establishment with management intervention to cut access […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Choice of Douglas fir seed sources for use in British forests

    Lead Author: A.M. Fletcher
    Douglas fir plays a particular role in the production of quality timber and is also important for other multipurpose forestry uses. Due to the extent of its natural range in Pacific north-west America, a range of material from natural populations and tree improvement programmes has been evaluated in field trials to identify the most well-adapted […]
  • Publications

    Developing methods for assessing Scots pine timber quality

    Lead Author: Elspeth Macdonald
    Timber production from Scots pine forests in Great Britain is forecast to increase over the next 15 years. This Research Note presents the results of a project to develop and test methods for assessing the quality of Scots pine timber from measurements on trees and logs. Six stands of Scots pine growing in the north […]
  • Publications

    Using acoustic tools in forestry and the wood supply chain

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The demands for sustainably produced wood as a raw material for a variety of end uses is placing increased pressure on the forest resource in the UK. Knowledge of the timber properties of trees and logs is important to ensure that harvested wood is directed to its most appropriate end use. Current harvesting practice in […]
  • Publications

    Benefits of improved Sitka spruce: volume and quality of timber

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The increase in timber volume gained from planting improved Sitka spruce stock has been estimated to be between 21% and 29% at the end of a rotation. This Research Note presents the results of new research designed to investigate the impact of improved Sitka spruce stock on quality characteristics which determine the quantity of green […]
  • Publications

    Timber Measurement

    Lead Author: Ewan D Mackie
    Timber measurement was first published in 1983 as Booklet 49. Its punchy, practical style proved popular with practitioners trying to work out how to take basic measurements on trees and timber and apply standard forest mensuration procedures in the field. This revised edition has been produced primarily to achieve consistency with the second edition of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Greenspace establishment on brownfield land: the site selection and investigation process

    Lead Author: Kieron Doick
    This Information Note describes investigation of brownfield land for potential redevelopment into greenspace. Written for site owners, foresters, planners, managers and consultants, it gives step-by-step guidance on site selection and evaluation.
  • Publications

    Raising trees and shrubs from seed

    Lead Author: Peter Gosling
    This Practice Guide introduces the principles and practical methods for collecting, storing and propagating from seed a wide range of woody species commonly grown in the British Isles. It is aimed partly at anyone interested in raising a relatively small number of plants, and partly at commercial growers – as a useful reference but without […]
  • Publications

    Tree felling – getting permission

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet tells you what you need to know about getting permission to fell any trees for yourself or for someone else. It is for guidance only and is not a legally binding interpretation of the legislation (the Forestry Act 1967 as amended). If you are unsure whether you require a licence, speak to your […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Choice of Sitka spruce seed origins for use in British forests

    Lead Author: C.J.A. Samuel
    The Bulletin summarises seed origin research in Sitka spruce over a period of 70 years. It provides a background to the ecology of the species, its introduction to Britain and the development and refinement of seed origin evaluation techniques. Phenological variation, particularly in relation to the potential for frost damage is described, height growth and […]